Tribhuvan University Published B. Tech 4th year 2080 (Supplementary) Exam Routine

Exam 15 Dec 2024 680

Tu Exam Routine

Tribhuvan University Published Exam Routine B. Tech Food Technology 4th year 2080 (Supplementary)

Tribhuvan University (TU), Office of the Controller of Examinations, Balkhu, has published the following schedule for the supplementary exams of the fourth year (B.Tech) in Food Technology under the annual examination system for the year 2081. This notice is published for the information of all concerned.

Examination Schedule: B.Tech 4th Year - 2080 (Supplementary)

  • Examination Time: 11:00 AM to 2:00 PM

Date / Subjects:

  • 2081/09/05 - Dairy Technology

  • 2081/09/06 - Storage and Packaging

  • 2081/09/07 - Operational Research and Food Plant Management


  1. According to the above schedule, no alternative arrangements will be made for candidates absent from the examination.

  2. Even if an unexpected holiday falls on the examination day, the exam will not be postponed without prior notice from TU.

  3. If any subject or paper is missed or overlaps with the examination schedule, the concerned candidate must inform this office within 3 days from the date published on the website. Otherwise, the examination will proceed as scheduled.

  4. For practical examinations, please get in touch with your respective campus.

  5. Candidates must bring their necessary materials, such as log tables, vouchers, graph paper, charts, etc., and use them with the prior approval of the center supervisor.

  6. The related campus must complete the practical and internal assessment examinations within one month of the theoretical examination and submit the answer sheets and attendance records to this office.

  7. Mobile phones, smartwatches, Bluetooth devices, digital diaries, and other prohibited items are not allowed inside the examination hall. If found, the center supervisor can confiscate them.

  8. As per the examination form notification, candidates must complete the form only for the subjects prescribed by TU's rules and curriculum. The campus or the students are responsible for any discrepancies.

  9. If the examination is taken from a center other than the designated one, the examination will be automatically canceled.

Tribhuvan University Published B. Tech 4th year 2080

Tribhuvan University TU Exam Exam Routine TU Notice

Tribhuvan University (TU)

Kirtipur, Kathmandu

Estd. 1959



Courses Offered
