Samajik Suraksha Kosh Competitive Written Exam Schedule
According to the previously published notice of the Social Security Fund (Samajik Suraksha Kosh - SSF), the competitive written examination program for the following posts under internal competition, open, and inclusive categories has been scheduled as per the details below. This notice is published for the information of all concerned.
Advertisement No., Category, Position, Service, Group/Subgroup / Level
30/081-82 (Adivasi Janajati)
Assistant Computer Operator
Miscellaneous, Computer Engineering, Level 4 -
21/081-82 (Open)
Information Technology Officer
Miscellaneous, Computer Engineering, Level 6 -
09/081-82 (Internal)
Assistant Director
Administration, Finance, Investment, Level 7 -
10-12/081-82 (Open and Inclusive)
Assistant Director (CA)
Administration, Finance, Expert, Level 7 -
14-15/081-82 (Open, Women)
Assistant Director (CA)
Administration, Finance, Expert, Level 7 -
16/081-82 (Women)
Assistant Director
Administration, Law, Level 7 -
04/081-82 (Internal)
Administration, Finance, Level 10 -
05/081-82 (Adivasi Janajati)
Senior Assistant Director
Administration, Finance, Investment, Level 8 -
07/081-82 (Women)
Senior Assistant Director
Administration, Law, Level 8 -
08/081-82 (Open)
Senior Assistant Director
Miscellaneous, Computer Engineering, Level 8 -
28-29/081-82 (Open, Dalit)
Administration Assistant
Administration, General Administration, Level 4 -
22-24/081-82 (Open and Inclusive)
Senior Administration Assistant
Administration, General Administration, Level 5 -
25-27/081-82 (Open and Inclusive)
Administration, Accounts, Level 5 -
17/081-82 (Open)
Administrative Officer
Administration, General Administration, Level 6 -
18-19/081-82 (Open, Dalit)
Accounts Officer
Administration, Accounts, Level 6 -
20/081-82 (Women)
Law Officer
Administration, Law, Level 6
Candidates must use only a dot pen/pen with black ink in the answer sheet.
No candidate will be allowed to participate in the examination without an admit card. Therefore, it is mandatory to bring the admit card and arrive at the examination center at least one hour before the examination begins.
Mobile phones are prohibited inside the examination center.
Even if there is an unexpected public holiday on the examination day, the scheduled examination program will not be postponed without prior notice from the Commission.
20% marks will be deducted for incorrect answers in objective multiple-choice questions.
While answering objective multiple-choice questions, only answers written in capital letters A, B, C, D in English will be considered valid.
Along with the admit card issued by the concerned authority, candidates must also bring any identity card containing a photograph issued either by the Government of Nepal or a valid citizenship certificate.
Candidates who require a writing assistant, as per Rule 68 of the Public Service Commission Regulation, 2079, must personally submit an application at the examination conducting office at least 10 (ten) days before the examination.