Rastriya Anusandhan Bibhag Detail Medical Exam Schedule of Anusandhan Adhikrit

Exam 25 Jan 2024 1392

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Rastriya Anusandhan Bibhag Detail Medical Exam Schedule of Anusandhan Adhikrit

The Government of Nepal, specifically the Office of the Prime Minister and Council of Ministers, has officially released the results for the written examination for the role of Investigation Officer. This announcement is crucial for candidates who have undergone the rigorous selection process under the National Investigation Department, situated in Singhdarbar, Kathmandu. Here's what you need to know:

Key Details of the Announcement:

  • Position Announced: Investigation Officer (Anusandhan Adhikrit), equivalent to Gazetted 3rd Class, under the Nepal Special Service.
  • Examination Overview: The written examination was conducted by the Public Service Commission on the dates 2080/06/30, 2080/08/18, and 2080/08/19. Following the evaluation, selected candidates have now been announced.
  • Result Publication: Successful candidates' roll numbers and names are published, providing vital information to all stakeholders involved.
  • Further Steps: Candidates who have passed the written examination are instructed to attend a detailed medical examination, marking the third stage of the selection process.

Important Instructions for Candidates:

  • Medical Examination Details: A comprehensive health examination is scheduled for the successful candidates. This will be conducted by the Armed Police Force, Nepal hospital, adhering to the hospital's standards.
  • Attendance Requirement: Candidates must arrive at the designated location for their health examination half an hour early, with their admit card in hand.
  • Final Stage Eligibility: Only those who pass this comprehensive medical examination will be eligible to proceed to the fourth and final stage of the selection process.

Websites for Reference:

  • Public Service Commission: www.psc.gov.np
  • National Investigation Department: www.nidept.gov.np

This announcement underscores the Government of Nepal's commitment to a transparent and inclusive selection process for positions within the National Investigation Department. It is a significant step towards filling the vacancy for the Investigation Officer post through open competition, as per the inclusive provisions set forth.

Rastriya Anusandhan Bibhag Anusandhan Adhikrit Exam Routine Notice

Rastriya Anusandhan Bibhag

Singhadurbar, Kathmandu


