Rastriya Anusandhan Bibhag Sahayak Suchak Post Written Exam Center (Hetauda, Mahendranagar)
Public Service Commission, Hetauda Office has issued a notice regarding the written examination center for candidates whose applications have been accepted for the position of Sahayak Suchak in the National Investigation Department, Advertisement No. 01/080/81 (Open and Inclusive). The written examination will be conducted at the Hetauda Examination Center.
Public Service Commission, Mahendranagar Office has issued a notice regarding the examination building for candidates whose applications have been accepted for the position of Sahayak Suchak in the National Investigation Department, Advertisement No. 01/080/81 (Open and Inclusive). The written examination will be conducted at the Mahendranagar Examination Center.
Advertisement No.: 02/080/81
Type: Open and Inclusive
Position, Service, Group/Subgroup, Category/Level: Sahayak Suchak (General Administration Group, Fourth Level)
Written Exam Date and Time:
First Paper (General Knowledge and Intelligence Aptitude Test):
Date: 2081 Bhadra 01
Time: 8:00 AM (45 minutes)
Second Paper (Intelligence Service and Security):
Date: 2081 Bhadra 01
Time: 11:30 AM (2 hours 30 minutes)
Examination Guidelines:
(1) Candidates must use only a black ink dot pen or ballpoint pen in the answer sheet.
(2) No candidate will be allowed to participate in the examination without an admission card. Along with the admission card issued by the relevant authority, candidates must also bring their citizenship or any other photo identification card issued by the Government of Nepal and arrive at the designated examination building at least 1 hour before the start of the examination.
(3) Mobile phones and electronic devices are prohibited in the examination hall.
(4) Even if an unexpected holiday falls on the day of the examination, the scheduled examination program will not be postponed without prior notice from the Commission.
(5) Candidates will not be allowed to participate in any examination center other than the one assigned.
(6) During special situations, candidates must fully comply with the rules according to the Examination (Operation and Management) Standards, 2077.