PSC School Inspectors Exam Centers in Dipayal 2081

Exam 11 Mar 2025 175

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Public Service Commission, Central Office Advertisement No. 17337-17341/081-82 (Open/Inclusive), Written Examination Schedule and Exam Centers Notice.

This notice is published for the information of all concerned that the competitive written examination for candidates whose online application forms have been approved for the position of School Inspector, Nepal Education Service, Educational Administration Group, Inspection Sub-group, Gazetted Third Class (Technical) with Dipayal examination center, will be conducted as per the following schedule and location according to the pre-determined examination program of the Commission.

Examination Schedule:

Paper Subject Section Examination System Examination Date Examination Time and Duration
First General Subject General Awareness & General Reasoning Test Multiple Choice Objective 2081/12/13 (March 28, 2025) 9:00 AM (1 hour 30 minutes)
Second General Technical Subject - Subjective 2081/12/14 (March 30, 2025) 9:00 AM (3 hours)
Third Service-Group Specific Subject - Subjective 2081/12/15 (March 31, 2025) 9:00 AM (3 hours)

Examination Centers:

S.N. Roll Numbers Number of Candidates Examination Center
1. From 770001 to 770150 150 Shahid Smriti School, Rajpur, Doti
2. From 770151 to all remaining - Public Service Commission, Dipayal Office, Rajpur, Doti


a) Even if an unexpected holiday falls on the examination day, the scheduled examination will not be postponed without prior notice from the Commission.

b) Candidates must bring their admission card and arrive at the examination center 1 hour before the examination starts. Admission cards will not be distributed at the examination center. Candidates requiring a duplicate admission card must obtain it from the Public Service Commission, Dipayal Office, Rajpur, Doti one day before the examination date.

c) Bags, mobile phones, smart watches, and other electronic devices are prohibited in the examination hall. Calculators are not allowed for multiple-choice objective questions.

d) Only black ink must be used in the examination.

e) When answering multiple-choice objective questions, candidates must write the answer in capital letters (A, B, C, D).

f) Candidates must bring their admission card issued by the Commission along with either their original Nepali citizenship certificate or any one original photo ID issued by a government office.

g) Click here to view the approved list of candidates.

Phone: 094-440147, Fax: 094-440178
Email: [email protected]

PSC School Inspectors Exam Centers in Dipayal 2081

Lok Sewa Aayog Exam Center PSC Dipayal

Lok Sewa Aayog

Anamnagar, Kathmandu

Estd. 1951


