Exam Centers Designated for School Inspector Written Examination – PSC Jaleshwar Office
This notice is hereby published for the information of all concerned regarding the competitive written examination for candidates whose applications have been approved for the School Inspector post under Advertisement No. 17337–17341/081/082 (Open and Inclusive), Nepal Education Service, Education Administration Group, Inspection Sub-group, Gazetted Third Class (Technical). The written examination will be conducted at Jaleshwar Examination Center on the following dates, times, and at the designated exam buildings.
Candidates requiring a scribe (assistant writer) must submit a formal request along with valid reasons and supporting documents as per Rule 68 (1) of the Public Service Commission Regulations, 2079, at least ten (10) days prior to the scheduled examination date at this office.
Candidates must reach the examination venue at least one (1) hour before the start of the examination. The important instructions to be followed by the candidates are mentioned in the "Note" section below.
Exam Schedule
Paper | Subject | Exam Type | Date (B.S.) | Time | Duration |
First | General Awareness & General Reasoning Test | Objective Multiple Choice (MCQ) | 2081/12/13 | 9:00 AM | 1 hour 30 mins |
Second | General Technical Subject | Subjective | 2081/12/14 | 9:00 AM | 3 hours |
Third | Service-Group Specific Subject | Subjective | 2081/12/15 | 9:00 AM | 3 hours |
Exam Centers
S.N. | Roll Number From | To | Total Candidates | Exam Building |
1 | 150001 | 150200 | 200 | Damodar Academy, Prakauli |
2 | 150201 | 150422 and remaining | Remaining candidates | Janaki Secondary School |
- The examination will not be postponed as per the schedule without prior notice from the Public Service Commission.
- Only black ink must be used in the examination.
- For objective multiple-choice questions, only answers written in English capital letters (A, B, C, D) will be accepted.
- Calculators are not allowed for the objective multiple-choice paper.
- Bags, mobile phones, smartwatches, and other electronic devices are strictly prohibited inside the exam hall.
- Only candidates approved for Jaleshwar Examination Center will be allowed to appear in the examination.
- Candidates without an admit card will not be permitted to appear in the exam.
- Candidates must bring their Nepali citizenship card or any photo ID issued by the Government of Nepal along with their admit card.
- Candidates must reach the exam center at least one hour before the exam starts.
Notice No.: 86/081–82
Date: 2081/11/29