Pre-Diploma Level Special Technical Education Exam Form Fillup Notice

Exam 16 Sep 2021 2881

Pre-Diploma Level Special Technical Education Exam Form Fillup Notice

Council for Technical Education and Vocational Training (CTEVT), Office of Examination Control (OCE), Sanothimi, BhaktapurĀ urgent notice about filling the examination application form in the special technical education scholarship program at pre-diploma (technical SLC) level

Under the Special Technical Education Scholarship Program by the Government of Nepal, students from deprived, Dalit and Muslim communities across the country have passed the trainee selection entrance examination for free study at TSLC (Pre-Diploma) level on Saturday 18th March, 2076 and various Registration has been maintained for the academic session 2076/077 in various affiliated educational institutions conducting the program and subject to the following conditions for all regular candidates studying under the following conditions. Has been published.

Examination Programs and Groups: Completed training under Pre-Diploma (Technical SLC) level programs registered in the academic session 2076/077 (12 + 6) for a period of all regular Agriculture (Plant Science), Civil Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Culinary Art

Last date for trainees to submit the examination form to the concerned educational institution:

In case of regular fee: From 2078-05-31 to 2078-06-14.

In case of delay fee: From 2078-06-15 to 2078-06-22.

Educational Institutions will have to deposit the amount in the designated account the day after the last date of submission of examination fee in regular fee and in case of delay fee, deposit the examination fee in the prescribed account the next day and submit it along with the file of application form to the concerned Council, State Office by 2078-06-24. (Delay fee should be understood as a double fee of a regular fee (excluding working fee).

(Information published on: 2078-05-31)

CTEVT CTEVT Exam Pre-Diploma Level