Tribhuvan University, Office of the Controller of Examinations, Balkhu Exam Schedule for One Year B.Ed. 2079 (Partial)
Tribhuvan University Examination Control Office Balkhu has published this notice for the information of all concerned as the examination will be conducted according to the following program of the candidates who will take the partial examination of one year BEd in the year 2079 of 2081 according to the annual examination system.
Exam time from 12:00 pm to 3:00 pm.
Exam Schedule: Master Level 1st Year-2079
- (New Course) Ed.-412 Philosophical and Sociological Foundation of Education
- (New Course) Ed.-413 Educational Psychology
- (New Course) Ed.-414 Curriculum and Evaluation
- (New Course) Eco.Ed.-416 Economic Analysis
- Eng.Ed.-416 Fundamentals of Language & Linguistics
- Geo.Ed.-416 Physical Geography
- Hist.Ed.-416 Ancient and Medieval History of Nepal
- Math Ed.-416 Mathematics for School Teacher
- Psy.Ed.-416 Foundation of Psychological Education & Sport Science
- Pol.Sc.Ed.-416 Political Thinkers
- H.Ed.-416 Fund of Health and Health Science
- Pop.Ed.-416 Pop., Env. and Quality of Life
- Ed.Mgt.-412 Educational Administration
- Ecd.Ed.-421 Fundamentals of Early Childhood
- So.Std.-438 Teaching Social Studies
- (New Course)
- Eco.-Ed.-490 Methods of Teaching Economics
- Eng.-Ed.-490 English Language Teaching Methods and Materials
- Geo.Ed.-490 Methods of Teaching Geography
- Hist.-Ed.-490 Methods of Teaching History
- Math.Ed.-490 Teaching Mathematics
- Psy.Ed.-490 Teaching and Coaching in Psychology Education
- Pol.Sc.Ed.-490 Methods of Teaching Political Science
- Sc.Ed.-490 Methods of Teaching Science at Secondary School
- He.Ed.-490 Methods of Teaching Health Education
- Pop.Ed.-490 Methods of Teaching Population Education
- Ed.Mgt.-413 Educational Supervision
- Ecd.Ed.-422 Early Childhood Development Methodology