Nepal Telecom (NTC) Published Senior Accounts Officer Written Result and Interview Notice 2081
Nepal Telecommunications Company Limited (Nepal Telecom - NTC), Central Office Recruitment Committee notice for Results of Open and Inclusive Competitive Written Examination and Interview Schedule
As per the advertisement numbers listed below, published on 2081/01/07, for filling vacant positions through open and inclusive competitive written examinations, the results of the written exams conducted by the Public Service Commission have been received. By Regulation 22 of the Nepal Telecommunications Company Limited Employee Regulations, 2078 (with amendments), the results of the written examinations and the interview schedule are published as follows for the information of all concerned.
Selected candidates are requested to contact the Recruitment Secretariat at the company’s central office at least 3 days before the interview to complete the necessary forms and verify the documents submitted with the online application.
According to Regulation 22, the interview schedule for candidates will be conducted at the company's central office, Bhrikuti Mandap, Kathmandu. Candidates are notified to attend the interview with the exam admit card and original documents of educational qualifications submitted with the application.
Advertisement Number: 56 / 2080-81 (Open and Dalit)
Service: Administration
Position: Senior Accounts Officer (Chartered Accountant)
Required Positions: Open - 1 / Dalit - 1
Number of Candidates Participating in the Written Examination (Combined): 19
Interview Date and Time: 2081/09/14
Group/Sub-Group: Accounts / Chartered Accountant
Level: 8
Date of Written Examination: 2081/04/26 and 2081/04/27
Number of Candidates Selected in the Written Examination: Open - 3
Sunday Morning: 7:30 AM
Notification Number: 15/081/82