Nepal Rastra Bank Written Exam Center Butwal for Assistant II Post
Nepal Rastra Bank (NRB), in coordination with the Public Service Commission's Butwal office, has announced the written examination schedule for the Assistant II category, under the administration service. This announcement is crucial for candidates who have applied for the position following Advertisement No. 17/2080, which seeks to fill openings in both open and inclusive categories. Here's what candidates need to know to prepare for the examination:
Examination Details:
- Advertisement Number: 17/080/081 (Open and Inclusive)
- Position: Assistant, Administration, Assistant II
- Examination Type: Objective (Multiple Choice Questions)
- Subjects Covered: Management and Accounting, Economics and Banking, Mathematics, Computers, General Knowledge
- Date and Time: April 19, 2024, at 11:00 AM
Examination Centers in Butwal:
- Kanti Secondary School (Centers "A", "B", "C")
- Ujir Singh Secondary School (Centers "A", "B")
- Tilottama Secondary School
- Siddheshwar Lal Kumari Secondary School
- Janata Secondary School
- Kalika Manavgyan Secondary School (Various Centers)
- Butwal Kalika Campus (Various Centers)
Important Instructions for Candidates:
- Writing Tools: Only black ink dot pens/pens are allowed.
- Answer Sheet: OMR system will be used.
- Admit Card and ID Requirement: Entry without an admit card and a valid photo ID issued by the Government of Nepal is prohibited.
- Electronic Devices: Mobile phones and other electronic gadgets are banned inside the examination hall.
- Examination Center: Candidates must attend their designated examination center; switching centers is not permitted.
- Arrival Time: Candidates are advised to arrive one hour prior to the start of the examination.
- Unexpected Holidays: The examination will proceed as scheduled unless an official postponement notice is issued.