Nepal Pharmacy Council 18th Licensing Examination Schedule

Exam 09 Dec 2021 7425

Nepal Pharmacy Council

Nepal Pharmacy Council 18th Licensing Examination Schedule: Nepal Pharmacy Council Urgent notice regarding the 18th name registration examination: Nepal Pharmacy Council's 18th Name Registration Examination 2078 Poush 3 Nepal Army Health Sciences Institute Sanobharyang, Kathmandu is a request for information related to all.


1) Admission card of 18th name registration examination will be provided by the office of the council on the following date.

Diploma in Pharmacy: 207-08-28, 2078-08-29, 2078-9-01, 2078-09-02.

Bachelor in Pharmacy: 2078-08-29, 2078-9-01, 2078-09-02

2) Exam Date and time: 2078-09-3

Diploma in Pharmacy: 10 a.m.

Bachelor in Pharmacy: 2 p.m.

3) In the name registration examination, the health standards issued by the Ministry of Health and Population must be followed.

4) Candidates must be present at the examination center 2 hours before the examination time.
