Nepal Open University Exam Form Submission and Exam Schedule

Exam 09 Dec 2019 7094

Nepal Open University Exam Form Submission and Exam Schedule

Open University of Nepal, Central Examination Committee, Manabhavan, Lalitpur

Information on exam application form Submission and publication of exam schedule

2075 BS under Nepal Open University, M.Phil in Education (English, Nepali, Education Studies) and MPhil in Social Sciences (Political Science) under the Faculty of Social Sciences and Education in the winter session and MPhil in ICT under the Faculty of Science, Health and Technology. Application form for regular semester external examination of the first semester of students who are enrolled in the first semester on Master in e-Governance and Masters in Geoinformatics. 2074 Winter semester under the Faculty of Social Sciences and Education MPhil in Education (English, Health, Mathematics, Nepali, Education Studies) and MPhil in Social Sciences (Economics, Political Science, Sociology) and Science, Health and Technology Facilities MPhil in ICT; Master in e-Governance admittance and re-examination of the students who are currently studying in the third semester, who have passed the regular semester external examination application form of the third semester and those who failed in the internal semester of the second semester of the same semester, and those who failed in the semester external examination of the first and second semester ( Re-tale Examination) first and second Re-take Examination Application Form and Second Semester Graduate Examination for the Second Semester Students who wish to submit the grade enhancement test as per the subject passed in the second semester, from the date 2076/8/17 to 2076/09/16. Fill in the online exam application form through the Student Panel at The loan fee, examination fee increase grades, course fee to enroll amount deposit into theĀ  Global IME Bank Kirtipur Branch, the current account number on 0501010000502.

You can submit the Examination Application Form by filling in the clear name and roll number of the voucher that has been deposited and selecting one of the following Examination Centers, and submitting the Online Examination Application Form by Double Date: 2076/09/23. Information is also given on the feasibility of the examinations as per the decision of the Central Examination Committee. This information has been published for all concerned as it is operating on schedule.

Nepal Open University

Man Bhaban, Lalitpur

Estd. 2016


