Public Service Commission (PSC-Lok Sewa Aayog), Notice on Establishment of Examination Hall, Pokhara Office, Pokhara
This notice has been published for the information of all concerned that the competitive written examination of the candidates selected for the written examination of the service/group and post of the Nepal Army as per advertisement no. 081/82/01 from Shri Paschim Pritana Head Quarter, Bijaipur Barracks, Kaski will be conducted at the following examination centers.
a) Even if an unexpected holiday falls on the day of the examination, the examination as per the scheduled program will not be postponed without prior notice from the Commission.
b) Bags, mobiles, smart watches and other electronic devices are prohibited in the examination hall.
c) Calculators will not be allowed to be used in the objective question paper examination.
d) Only black ink will be used in the examination.
e) The examinee must go to the examination hall with his/her admit card.
f) When answering objective multiple-choice questions, you must write in Capital Letter (A, B, C, D). Those written in Small Letter will not be recognized. In objective multiple-choice questions, 20% of the marks will be deducted for incorrect answers.
g) You will not be allowed to participate in any other examination center except the designated examination center.
h) You must reach the examination center two hours before the commencement of the examination.
j) When appearing for the examination, the examinee must bring a Nepali citizenship certificate or any original certificate with a photograph issued by a government office.
Note:-2 The Examination Conduct (Operation and Management) Standards, 2077, must be fully complied with in special circumstances of infection.
Notification No. 96/081-82, dated 2081/10/16