Nepal Electricity Authority Hetauda Exam Center Notice

Exam 05 Nov 2019 3712

Nepal Electricity Authority Hetauda Exam Center Notice


Public Service Commission, Hetauda office, Hetauda

Notice of the Nepal Electricity Authority Written Examination Center

Bodies: Nepal Electricity Authority

Date of Advertisement published: 2076/03/13

Written Exam Program Published Date: 2076/05/24

According to a previously published advertisement of the Nepal Electricity Authority, operated by the Public Service Commission, Hetaunda office, the following positions are open and inclusive competitive.

Since the examination center has been determined as per the written examination, this information has been published for the information of all concerned.

Note: Joint Examination for the posts of 2075/076/4/305 and 2075/076/4/306 will be held on 2076/08/06. The candidates who have appeared in the Joint Examination for the posts of 2075/076/5/301 and 2075/076/5/302 will have their roll no.

Information on attending one of the Examination Centers. Also, in the case of joint examinations, the candidate must bring the admit card for both posts.


1. Candidate should only use a dot pen/pen with black ink in the answer book.

2. Must be present along with the admit card as well as a certificate of real Nepalese citizenship. Otherwise, it will not be included in the test.

3. You must arrive at the test building at least 1 hour before the examination is conducted.

4. It is forbidden to carry bags, mobile phones and other electronic devices in the examination hall.

5. On the day of the exam, even if there is an unexpected leave, the examination will not be postponed without the prior notice of the Commission.

Nepal Electricity Authority (NEA)

Ratnapark, Kathmandu

Estd. 1985



Services Offered
