Nepal Bank Limited Written Exam Center of Jaleshwor 4th Level Assistant and 3rd Level Gold Tester: Nepal Bank Limited Advertisement No. 21/2078/79 (Open and Inclusive), Written Examination for Assistant Posts, Level-4, Examination Building, Jaleshwar
Nepal Bank Limited Advertisement No. 29/2078/79 (Open and Inclusive), Junior Assistant (Gold Tester) Post, Level-3, Examination Building Jaleshwar.
Nepal Bank Limited Advertisement No. 21/2078/079 (Open and Inclusive) Assistant Post, Level 4 and Advertisement No. 29/2078/79 (Open and Inclusive), Junior Assistant (Gold Tester) ) Since the competitive written examination of all the candidates who have applied and accepted for the post, level-3 at the Jaleshwar examination center will be conducted as per the pre-determined schedule on the following date, time and place; This notice is published for the information of all concerned.
Exam Center Jaleshwor