Nepal Army Sainya Post Written Exam Center in Khotang 2081 Shrawan
The written competitive examination for candidates selected through the Sr. No. 18 Division Headquarters, Bhulke Barrack Udayapur, for the Sainya Post, who have passed the Bearing, Pre-Medical, and Physical Examination, will be conducted as per the pre-determined examination program of the commission. The details of the examination date, time, and venue are published for the information of all concerned.
Position: Sainya Post
Examination Center: Shri Diktel Multiple Campus, Khotang, Diktel
Exam Date: 2081/04/19 (2 hours 30 minutes)
Time: 10:00 AM
Subjects: English, Nepali, Mathematics, General Knowledge
Number of Candidates: All candidates
Special Instructions for Candidates:
(a) Candidates without an admit card will not be allowed to participate in the examination. Therefore, candidates must bring their admit card and arrive at the examination hall at least one hour before the exam begins.
(b) Candidates must bring their original Nepali citizenship certificate or any other photo identification card issued by the Government of Nepal. Without proper identification, candidates will not be allowed to participate in the examination.
(c) Candidates will not be allowed to participate in any examination center other than the designated one.
(d) Candidates must fully comply with the instructions given by the personnel assigned to the examination.
(e) Mobile phones, calculators, other electronic devices, and bags are prohibited in the examination hall.
(f) Only pens or dot pens with black ink should be used in the examination.
(g) For multiple-choice questions, only answers written in English capital letters (A, B, C, D) will be accepted.
For more information, please contact:
Phone: 036-420575/036-420177
Email: [email protected] / [email protected]