Nepal Army Sainya Post Written Exam Center Dhading, Rasuwa, Ramechhap, Bhaktapur

Exam 28 Apr 2023 2171

Nepal Army Notice

Nepal Army Sainya Post Written Exam Center Dhading, Rasuwa, Ramechhap, Bhaktapur: The Public Service Commission, Kathmandu Office, has issued a recruitment notice (advertisement no. 079/80/01) for the Nepali Army's post of Sainya. The recruitment drive is open and inclusive, ensuring equal opportunities for all candidates.

Written Examination Venue for Selected Candidates

The notice highlights the establishment of examination buildings/halls for the written examination of candidates who have been shortlisted from different regions of Nepal. These regions include Sri Bishnudal Gan in Brabal Barrack, Dhunche, Rasuwa, Shree Naya Gorakh Gana in Ramechhap, Sri Shivdal Gan in Gajuri Barrack, Dhading, and Sri Indrabux Gan in Suryavinayak Barrack, Bhaktapur.

Candidates must take note of the examination building/hall that corresponds to their respective regions.

Important Guidelines for Nepali Army's Sainya Post Written Examination

The written examination for the Nepali Army's Sainya post, as per the Public Service Commission's recruitment notice, is scheduled for 6th February 2080, at 9:00 AM. Candidates must ensure that they follow the guidelines mentioned below to avoid any inconvenience during the examination.

Writing Guidelines

(a) Only dot pen or pen with black ink should be used for writing the answers on the answer sheet.

(b) Candidates must write their answers to multiple-choice questions in capital letters only, using the options A, B, C, or D.

Admit Card and ID Requirements

(c) Candidates must carry their admit cards with them. The examination authorities will not allow any candidate to enter the examination hall without an admit card.

(d) Along with the admit card, candidates must also carry a valid ID card issued by the relevant body in the examination or the Government of Nepal. A certificate of citizenship can also be used as a valid ID card.

Prohibited Items

(e) Candidates are strictly prohibited from carrying mobile phones and other electronic devices into the examination hall.

Other Guidelines

(f) The examination date will not be postponed, even if it falls on a holiday unless the Commission issues prior notice.

(g) Candidates must follow the instructions given by the examination's invigilators and staff.

Publihsed on 28th April 2023

Bhaktapur Rasuwa Nepal Army Nepal Army Exam Dhading Ramechhap Exam Center Nepal Army Sainya

Nepal Army

Bhadrakali, Kathmandu


