Nepal Army Prabidhik Amaladar, Jamdar, Subedar Written Exam Schedule 2080
According to the previously published advertisement of the Nepali Army, the program of the competitive written examination for various technical /air/various service posts and Billadar Internal Competition, open and inclusive posts has been determined as follows, so this notice is published for the information of all concerned.
- Candidates should use only dot pen/pen with black ink in the answer sheet.
- Since no candidate will be admitted to the examination without the admit card, he must bring the admit card with him and arrive at the examination hall at least 1 hour before the commencement of the examination.
- Mobile phones are prohibited in the examination hall.
- Even if there is an unexpected holiday on the day of the examination, the scheduled examination program will not be postponed without prior notice from the Commission.
- 20% of marks will be deducted for incorrect answers to objective questions.
- When writing the answer to the objective multiple-choice question, only the answer written in capital letter A, B, C, D will be recognized.
- Along with the admit card issued by the relevant body, you must bring your citizenship or an identity card issued by the government of Nepal.
Nepali Army Advertisement Published Date: 2080/08/29 and 2080/09/06
Written Examination Program published date: 2080/12/12