Nepal Agricultural Research Council (NARC) Written Exam Center 2080

Exam 17 Oct 2023 6362

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Nepal Agricultural Research Council (NARC - Nepal Krishi Anusandhan Kendra) Examination Guidelines

The Nepal Agricultural Research Council (NARC) has released an announcement regarding the publication of the examination center for the competitive written examination for various posts. This is for both the internal competition and the open and inclusive side.

General Examination Guidelines:

  • Writing Tools: Candidates should use only a dot pen or a pen with black ink on the answer sheet.
  • Admit Card Requirement: It's imperative to bring the admit card to the examination hall. No candidate will be permitted without it. Arrive at least 1 hour prior to the exam's start.
  • Prohibited Items: Bags, mobile phones, and other electronic devices are not allowed inside the exam building.
  • Examination Schedule: The exam will proceed as scheduled, even if there's an unexpected holiday. Any changes will only be made with prior notice from the Commission.
  • Objective Question Answering: For multiple-choice questions, answers should be written in capital letters: A, B, C, or D.
  • Identification: Along with the admit card, candidates must carry their citizenship or a government-issued identity card from Nepal.
  • Examination Norms: The exam will be conducted as per the examination norms (operation and management), 2077 (Third Amendment), issued by the Commission in special cases of transition.

COVID-19 Safety Measures:

  • Mandatory Mask: Before entering the examination center, every candidate must wear a mask.
  • Sanitization: Candidates should carry their own sanitizer and drinking water.
  • Arrival Time: It's advised to reach the examination center 1 hour before the scheduled time.
  • Social Distancing: Maintain a 2-meter distance when entering and exiting the examination center. Go to the designated place in order and avoid crowding.
  • Avoid Grouping: Refrain from gathering in groups and engaging in discussions.
  • Follow Instructions: Abide by the guidelines provided by the assigned personnel during the examination.

Download/View Exam Center.PDF

Kathmandu Exam Center

Nepal Agricultural Research Council (NARC)

Singadurbar Plaza, Kathmandu

Estd. 1991



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