National Examinations Board (NEB) has published examination routines of Grade 11 and 12 for the year 2076.
NEB Grade 12 Exam Routine 2076:
Date | Subjects | Subject Code |
1/15/2076 | Com. English - (Regular Students) | 004 |
Anibarya Baikalpik Sanskrit Rachana | 005 | |
1/16/2076 | Geography | 218 |
Computer Science | 230 | |
Opt. Nepali | 232 | |
Maithili | 248 | |
Hindi | 260 | |
Newari | 268 | |
Rural Development | 602 | |
Sculpture | 624 | |
Folk Music (Vocal/ Instrument Flute) | 638/640 | |
Commercial Mushroom Production & Marketing | 644 | |
Introduction to Livestock Breeding Management | 650 | |
Data Communication & Computer Network | 654 | |
Structural Analysis & RCC Design | 658 | |
Operation & Maint of Micro Hydro Plant & PV & System | 662 | |
Criminal Law & Justice | ||
1/17/2076 | Physics | 210 |
Political Science | 258 | |
Home Science | 264 | |
Hotel Management | 270 | |
Sociology | 272 | |
general law | 296 | |
Nyaya (Uttar Madhyama Pathyakram) | 616 | |
Painting | 626 | |
Child Dev. & Learning | 902 | |
1/19/2076 | Chemistry | 212 |
Economics | 226 | |
Population Studies | 246 | |
Wass Communication | 262 | |
Philosophy | 276 | |
Library & Information Science | 298 | |
Environmental Education | 608 | |
Byakaran | 610 | |
Opt. Byakaran-11 (Uttar Madhyama Pathyakram) | 634 | |
Sports Science | 666 | |
Legal Drafting | 668 | |
Chemistry Education | 942 | |
1/20/2076 | Dance | 250 |
'History | 256 | |
Culture | 266 | |
Travel & Tourism | 274 | |
Elements of Finance | 606 | |
Jyotish | 612 | |
teaching science | 904 | |
teaching Social Studies | 906 | |
Teaching health & Environment Science | 938 | |
Opt. Byakaran-III (Uttar Madhyama Pathyakram) | 635 | |
Sustainable Integrated Nutrient & Pest Management | 646 | |
Applied animal nutrition | 652 | |
Web development and Database | 656 | |
Maintenance & Rehabilitation of Structures | 660 | |
Repair & Management of Electrical Equipments | 664 | |
1/22/2076 | Biology (Botany + Zoology) | 214 |
Opt. English | 220 / 224 | |
Principles of Accounting -II | ||
French | 282 | |
Japanese | 284 | |
Urdu | 286 | |
German | 288 | |
Human Value Education | 290 | |
Veda Nitishastra | 618 | |
620 | ||
Applied Arts | 630 | |
Civil Law & Justice | 672 | |
1/23/2076 | Com. English - (Partial/Grade Improvement Students) | 4 |
1/24/2076 | Mathematics | 216 |
BOOM | 222 | |
OMSP | 228 | |
Health & Physical Education | 244 | |
Psychology | 252 | |
Music | 254 | |
Linguistics | 280 | |
Co-operative Management | 604 | |
Sahitya | 614 | |
Business Studies | 628 | |
Procedural Law | 670 | |
1/25/2076 | Agriculture | 278 |
Commercial & Vegetable Production & Marketing | 642 | |
Introductory Meat Science | 648 | |
Instructional Evaluation | 918 | |
1/26/2076 | Com. Nepali | 6 |
Alternative English | 8 | |
Human Rights | 676 | |
Business Mathematics | 911 | |
Marketing | 910 | |
Introduction Education hI | 912 | |
Primary Education | 914 | |
Instructional Organization | 922 | |
Contemporary Society | 924 | |
General Mathematics | 926 | |
General Science | 928 | |
Social Studies | 930 | |
Rural Economics | 932 | |
Special Need Education | 934 | |
Gender Studies | 936 | |
Food & Nutrition | 940 | |
History of Arts | 944 | |
Nepal Parichaya | 946 | |
Sanskrit Byakaran Rachana | 948 | |
Opt. Music V | 950 |
NEB Grade 11 Exam Routine:
1/29/2076 | Corn. English - (Regular Students) | 2 |
Anibaryaialkalpik Sanskrit Rachana | 1 | |
1/30/2076 | Com. Nepali | 3 |
Alternative English | 7 | |
Commercial Fruit Production & Orchard | 342 | |
Management Commercial Goat Farming | 348 | |
1/31/2076 | Physics | 110 |
Introduction to Education | 134 | |
Political Science | 158 | |
Home Science | 164 | |
Hotel Management | 170 | |
Sociology | 172 | |
General Law | 196 | |
Painting | 326 | |
Anibarya Byalcaran (Uttar Madhyama Pathyakram) | 305 | |
Classical Music (Technical Stream) | 378 | |
2/1/2076 | Com. - English - (Partial / Grade improvement Students) | 2 |
Nyaya Uttar Madhyama Pathyakram) | 316 | |
2/2/2076 | Chemistry | |
Economics | ||
Population Studies | ||
Mass Communication | ||
Philosophy | 176 | |
Biology Education | ||
Library & Information Science | ||
Environmental Education | ||
Byaicaran | ||
Sports Science | ||
Nepali Folk Music (Technical Stream | ||
BhotLanguagee | ||
2/3/2076 | Geography | 118 |
Computer Science | 130 | |
Opt. Nepali | 132 | |
Maithili/ Hindi/ Newari | 148/11/168 | |
Physics Education | ||
Rural Development | 302 | |
Sculpture | 324 | |
Classical Music (Vocal/ Instrument Flute) | 338/340 | |
Food Crops Production and Food Security | 344 | |
Introduction to AnimalllousingA Sanitation | 3S0 | |
Computer Hardware and Architecture | 354 | |
Geotechnical Engineering | 358 | |
Electrical Inst. Commercial & Industrial Buildings | 362 | |
2/5/2076 | Biology (Botany + Zoology) | 114 |
Teaching Mathematics/ Teaching Nepali/ Teaching English | 138/140/142 | |
Dance | 15 | |
History | 156 | |
Culture | 166 | |
Travel & Tourism | 174 | |
Elements of Finance | 306 | |
Jyotish | 312 | |
Nepalese Legal System | 368 | |
Western Mus c (Technical Stream) | 382 | |
Buddhist Philosophy | 392 | |
2/6/2076 | Opt. English | 120 |
Principles of Accounting -I | 124 | |
Agriculture | 178 | |
French/Japanese/Urdu/German | 192/184/186/188 | |
Human Value Education | 190 | |
Veda/ Nitishastra | 315/320 | |
Applied Arts | 330 | |
Classical Music (Tabala) | 336 | |
Participatory Agriculture Extension and Marketing | 346 | |
Commercial Poultry Farming | 352 | |
Computer P ramming | 356 360 | |
Road Construction Material and Testin& | ||
Control and Protection of Industrial Power Supply System | 364 | |
Constitutional Law & Ne all Constitution | 372 | |
Opt. Music - Vocal (Technical Stream) | 384 | |
Opt. Music - Instrument (Technical Stream) Opt Music - Dance (Technical Stream) | 386 | |
388 | ||
2/7/2076 | Instructional Pedagogy | 136 |
Anibarya Sanskrit Rachana | 332 | |
2076/2/8 | Mathematics | 116 |
BOOM/ OMSP | 122/128 | |
Health & Physical Education | 144 | |
Psychology | 152 | |
Music | 154 | |
linguistics | 180 | |
Co-operative Management | 304 | |
-Sahitya | 314 | |
Business Studies | 328 | |
General Principle & Theories of Law | 370 | |
Opt. Shukla Ayurveda-I (Uttar Madhyama Pathyakram) | 307 | |
Opt. Jyotish -I Pillar Madhya ma Pathya Imam | 211 | |
Opt. Sahitya-I (Uttar Madhyama Pathyakram | 315 | |
Opt. Byakaran (Uttar Madhyama Pathyakram) | 334 | |
Buddhist Education | 394 |