NEB Class 10 / SEE Exam 2081 Registration Form

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NEB Class 10 / SEE Exam 2081 Registration Form

Government of Nepal, National Examination Board (NEB), Examination Control Office Class 10, Sanothimi, Bhaktapur Notice Regarding Filling Examination Application Forms for the Secondary Education Examination (SEE) Class 10 to be Conducted in 2081

To participate in the 2081 Secondary Education Examination (SEE), students who are regularly studying in Class 10 during the academic session 2081 (including students studying in open and alternative schools, non-formal adult schools, and technical schools) must submit their examination application forms along with an examination fee of NPR 500 per student from Poush 12, 2081, to Magh 12, 2081.

This notice is published for the information of all concerned, including the Education Development Directorates, National Examination Board Provincial/Branch Offices, Education Development and Coordination Units, local government education branches, schools, and students.

1. For Students Currently Studying in Class 10 in Regular, Traditional, and Technical Streams:

  • Students studying as regular students in Class 10 must submit the following documents along with the application form and examination fee to their respective schools:

    • Copy of the registration slip.

    • Copy of the certificate of passing Basic Level (Class 8) in the academic session 2079 or earlier.

    • Copy of the birth certificate (certified by the principal).

    • Two recent passport-size photographs in school uniform.

2. For Students Studying in Open, Alternative, and Non-formal Adult Schools:

  • Students studying under the distance learning/open learning program must submit the following documents along with the application form and examination fee to their respective schools:

    • Documents certified by the principal as per clauses 15 and 17 of the Distance Learning/Open Learning Program Operation Directive, 2063, and meeting all the conditions specified in the directive.

    • Two recent passport-size photographs.

    • Certificate of passing Basic Level (Class 8) or equivalent two years prior (academic session 2079 or earlier) and birth certificate (certified by the principal).

    • Coordination units must verify the school’s permission letter and other documents to ensure the students meet the directive's requirements.

3. Schools must:

  1. Verify and certify that students' application forms as per points 1 and 2 are correctly filled in (name, surname, date of birth, and subjects according to the birth certificate).

  2. Arrange the forms in ascending order of the English alphabet and enter all student details in the specified format, keeping three printed copies for record purposes.

  3. Ensure the forms are correctly ordered and submit the forms along with the examination fee revenue receipt by Magh 16, 2081.

  4. The final date for the Education Development and Coordination Units to deposit the examination fee revenue in the bank is Magh 20, 2081. The revenue title number is 14223.

  5. Education Development and Coordination Units must enter the received application forms into the computer, verify them, and send the electronic copy to the National Examination Board, Examination Control Office Class 10, and the respective Education Development Directorate by Magh 25, 2081.

  6. According to the records sent by the schools, coordination units must provide admission cards with an eight-digit symbol number and alphabet, coordinating with the National Examination Board and the respective Education Development Directorate.

  7. Coordination units must determine examination centers by Magh 25, 2081, and decide for the District Examination Coordination Committee. The centers should prioritize schools with email, internet, printer, photocopy, and backup facilities and be convenient for students. Schools' names and codes must be mentioned when determining the centers. All students from the same school (regular, grade improvement, and technical) must be in the same examination center.

  8. When requested by the National Examination Board, an office copy of the approved forms must be securely kept for presentation. The Education Development and Coordination Units must ensure that the admission cards (Student Copy) are distributed to students through the schools, maintaining the symbol number.

  9. Students must complete the application form from the school where they regularly study. Forms will be canceled if submitted from more than one school or place. Students transferring from another school or district in Class 10 must follow the amended education regulations, and their separate records must be sent to the Examination Control Office Class 10 and the respective Education Development Directorate.

  10. Students who do not submit the application form within the stipulated time will not be allowed to participate in the SEE 2081. Therefore, schools must ensure that all students submit the forms on time.

  11. Schools must submit the practical marks and other documents to the Education Development and Coordination Units by Falgun 10, 2081. The units must send the revenue details, details of ineligible students, and practical marks to the Examination Control Office Class 10 by the end of Falgun 2081. When sending revenue details, the number of students and the amount submitted by the school must be clearly stated in ascending order of school codes.

  12. Open, alternative, and non-formal adult schools must submit registration and application together.

  13. For Grade Improvement (Ordinary, Traditional, Technical, Open, Alternative, and Non-formal Adult School Examinees):

  14. Students who participated in the regular or grade improvement exams of 2078 and 2079 and received D or E grades in any subjects or were absent must fill out the application form only for those subjects to improve their grades. Students who appeared in the regular or grade improvement (supplementary) exams of 2080 must fill out the application form only for subjects in which they received NG (Not Graded) or were absent.

Examinees must submit the following documents along with the application form and examination fee to their respective schools:

    • Copy of the registration slip.

    • Copy of the grade sheet.

    • Grade improvement examinees must use the yellow form.

Education Development Directorates must facilitate having students fill out examination application forms and determine examination centers according to the notice.

For more information, visit the National Examination Board's website at, contact the Examination Control Office Class 10 at 01-6630819, or check the websites of and the respective Provincial Education Development Directorates.

Notice Publication Date: 2081/09/12

SEE Exam 2081 Registration Form

NEB SEE Notice

NEB - National Examinations Board

Sanothimi, Bhaktapur

Estd. 1990



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