National Forensic Science Laboratory Written Exam Result and Interview Schedule

Exam 27 Jul 2024 1273

National Forensic Science Laboratory Notice

National Forensic Science Laboratory Development Committee (Recruitment Committee), Khumaltar, Lalitpur Notice Regarding Written Examination Results and Interview Schedule.

In the context of filling vacant positions in the National Forensic Science Laboratory through competitive examination as per Advertisement No. 1/079-80 to 30/079-80 for various positions from 2080/11/28 to 2080/12/8 conducted by the Public Service Commission, the candidates selected for the interview have been announced.

The interviews for the selected candidates will be conducted from 2081/04/27 at the laboratory office building, Khumaltar, Lalitpur. This notice is published for the information of all concerned.

Candidates are informed to compulsorily bring their admit card, original copies of citizenship, and educational qualification certificates when attending the interview.

Detailed information regarding the interview schedule can be viewed on the laboratory’s notice board and website at

(Notice Publication Date: 2081/04/12)

Notice Written Exam Result

National Forensic Science Laboratory

Khumaltar, Lalitpur

Estd. 1995


