NATHM Written Exam Results, Computer Practical Exam and Interview Date

Exam 05 Mar 2022 2611

Nepal Academy of Tourism and Hotel Management -NATHM

Government of Nepal, Ministry of Culture, Tourism and Civil Aviation, Nepal Academy of Tourism and Hotel Management (NATHM), Ravi Bhawan, Kathmandu Notice regarding the publication of written test results, Computer Practical Exam, and interview

Among the candidates appearing in the written examination for the following advertisement taken from the Public Service Commission for Nepal Academy of Tourism and Hotel Management (NATHM), the following roll no. And candidates with names, surnames having passed; This information has been published for the information of all concerned regarding the following date, time, and place of the skill test (computer experimental) and the interview to be present one hour before the scheduled time with the original certificates of their educational qualifications and admission.

Venue of Computer Practical Exam: Public Service Commission, Anamnagar, Kathmandu

Interview Venue: Nepal Academy of Tourism and Hotel Management (NATHM), Ravi Bhawan, Kathmandu
