Skill Testing and Interview Procedure, 2076:
To implement the Social Security and Individual Event Registration System Reinforcement Project, all local-level service centers will have MIS for the duration of the project. For the purpose of taking into account the manpower service agreement in the post of operator and field assistant, the interview committee which has been selected from the department according to the "Manpower Selection Criteria for Service Units, 2076" shall be followed by the following procedure:
1) MIS The approved course for computer skills test in the operator's choice work is placed on the department's website. On the basis of the same syllabus, the skill of the candidate should be tested.
2) In the skill test, the marks obtained by the candidate should be sealed separately and assigned to the coordinator.
3) If there is a score of less than 35% and more than 70% in skill testing and interviewing, the qualification should be opened. If at least two-thirds of the interviewing members do not mark the qualification openings, such marks shall be maintained with a minimum of 35% marks and a maximum of 70% marks.
4) Within 45 (sixty-five) days from the date of publication of the shortlist on the department's website, the final list of final qualifications should be completed by completing the remaining selection related work at the local level. If more time is required, write to the department with reasons and do as per the decision of the department.
5) With the completion of the skill test and interview work, the coordinator of the interview committee will secretly obtain the marks obtained in the shortlist from the online technology-based recruitment system developed in the department and publish the final qualification list on the same day as per the procedure.
6) If the skill test and other interview procedures are required, the Interview Committee may determine and act according to the existing laws.
7) Other arrangements for interviewing and skill testing shall be in accordance with the criteria for selection of manpower for service units, 2076 and other prevailing laws.
Published Date: 2076/06/14