M.Ed. Second Semester Exam Routine - Tribhuvan University

Exam 30 Mar 2019 5381

M.Ed. Second Semester Exam Routine

Tribhuvan University Faculty of Education (Examination Controller head office, Tribhuvan University, Balkhu) has published Exam routine of Master of Education (M.Ed. Second Semester), Open and distance (Regular and Partial). The Exam will be conducted in the month of Baishakh, 2076.




Ed. 521 Curriculum Practices


Ed. 522 Education and Development


Eng. Ed. 525 Linguistic in Application, Nep. Ed. 525 Nepali Kabita Kabya, Ed. PM. 525 Recent Trends in Educational Planning and Management, H. Ed. 529 Health Promoting Schools/H. Ed. 525 Health Promotion, Pop. Ed. 529 Population and Development/ Pop. Ed. 525 Sexual and Reproductive Health Education, Ed. CE. 525 Curriculum Theory, P. Ed. 525 Exercise Physiology and Sports Medicine, Eco. Ed. 525 Macro Economics, Geo. Ed. 525 Climatology and Climate Change, Chem. Ed. 525 Applied Physical Chemistry(Th+Pr), Math. Ed. 525 Trends in Mathematics Education, ICT. Ed. 525 Advanced Database Management System(Th+Pr), Bio. Ed. 525 Functional Plant Biology(Th+Pr), Phy. Ed. 525 Electrodynamics (Th+Pr), SN. Ed. 525 Education for children with Visual Impairment, Hist. Ed. 525 History of Travel and Tourism in Nepal. Pol.Sc.Ed.525 in Political Analysis II.


Eng. Ed. 529 Language, Society and Power/Eng. Ed. 526 Second Language Acquisition (SLA) Theories and Research, Nep. Ed. 526 Aadhunik Nepali Nibandha ra Samalochana, Ed. PM. 529 Theory and practices of Non-Formal Education/ Ed. PM. 526 Organizational Behaviour in Education, H. Ed. 526 Nutrition Education, Pop. Ed. 526 Quality of Life Education, Ed. CE. 526 Test Theory, Training, P. Ed. 526 Training, Coaching, and Officiating, Eco. Ed. 526 Mathematics for Economics Education, Geo. Ed. 526 Applied Statistics for Geographical Research, Chem. Ed. 526 Advanced Inorganic Chemistry(Th+Pr), Math. Ed. 526 Linear Algebra, ICT. Ed. 526 Network Security(Th+Pr), Bio. Ed. 526 Functional Animal Biology(Th+Pr), Phy. Ed. 526 Electronics(Th+Pr), SN. Ed. 526 Education for the Deaf & Hard of Hearing, Hist. Ed. 526 Socio-cultural History of Nepal. Pol.Se.Ed.526 Political Thought II,


Eng. Ed. 527 Critical Discourse Analysis(CDA), Nep. Ed. 524 Bhashik Parikshyan/Nep. Ed. 527 Prayogik Bhasha Bigyan ka Pramukh Kshetra, Ed. PM. 527 Educational Management Information System(EMIS), H. Ed. 527 Community Health, Pop. Ed. 527 Indirect Techniques for Population Analysis, Eco. Ed. 527 Money Banking and Finance, Geo. Ed. 527 Geographical Information System(GIS) and Remote Sensing(RS) (Th+Pr), Chem. Ed. 529 Food Chemistry/ Chem. Ed. 527 Fundamental of Biochemistry, Math. Ed. 527 Projective Geometry, ICT. Ed. 529 Readings in ICT Education/ ICT. Ed. 527 Operating System(Th+Pr), Bio. Ed. 529 Biodiversity Conservation and Evolutionary Biology/ Bio. Ed. 527 Environment Biology and Environmental Education, Phy. Ed. 529 Optics and Quantum Mechanics(Th+PO/ Phy. Ed. 527 Solid State and Nanotechnology (Th+Pr), SN. Ed. 527 Assessment of students with Special Needs, Hist. Ed.

527 International Relations of Nepal, Po1.Sc.Ed.527 Public Value and Political Management, Phy.Ed.521 Electronics and Electrodynamics


Eng. Ed. 528Reading in English Part-I, Nep. Ed. 529 Samajik Tatha Mano-Bhasha Bigyan/Nep.
Ed. 528 Bhashik Bidha Shikshan, Ed. PM. 528 Educational Resource Management I, H. Ed.

528 Community Organizing for Health Education(Th+Pr), Pop. Ed. 528 Population Planning and Management, Ed. CE. 528 Curriculum Evaluation and Research, P. Ed. 528 Management of Games and Sports, Eco. Ed. 528 Education Finance, Geo. Ed. 528 Geography of Resource Management, Chem. Ed. 528 Modern Science Teaching, Math. Ed. 528 Complex and Numerical Analysis, ICT. Ed. 528 Software Engineering(Th+Pr), Bio. Ed. 528 Advanced Science Education­Biology(Th+Pr), Phy.Ed.528 Advanced Science Education-Physics (Th+Pr), SN. Ed. 528 Theories & Practices of Behavior Modification, Hist. Ed. 528 History of Modem China(1911-1960), Po1.Sc.Ed.528 Nepalese Politics, Phv.Ed.522 Solid state and Nanotechnology
