Notice for Submission of Exam Form for Second Semester Regular Examination 2025 for MBS and MPA Programs
Tribhuvan University, Faculty of Management, Office of the Dean, announces that the second-semester regular examination for the Master of Business Studies (MBS) and Master of Public Administration (MPA) programs conducted under the semester system will commence from the fourth week of Magh 2081 (January/February 2025).
This applies to students enrolled in 2050 BS (2024 AD) and those admitted between 2020 AD and 2024 AD but unable to attend or absent from the second-semester regular examination. It also includes partial examinees of the second semester (students appearing as partial examinees of the regular exam).
Students must specify the subjects they wish to appear for and submit the exam forms to their respective campuses/colleges by 2081/09/29 (January 12, 2025). The campuses/colleges must submit the completed exam forms to the Examination Control Division by 2081/10/03 (January 17, 2025) and the necessary fees as specified below.
Fee Details:
Regular Examination Fee: NPR 1,500 per student per semester
Partial Examination Fee: NPR 300 per subject per student
Late Fee Details:
From 2081/10/01 to 2081/10/02 (January 15-16, 2025), an additional fee per student per subject will apply.
For additional information related to the examination, refer to the official notice. The detailed exam schedule will be published later.
(a) a photocopy of the Grade Sheet / Ledger / Admit Card must be attached for regular examinees.
For internal examinees, a copy of the grade sheet for the second-semester regular examination must be attached, along with the exam center details.
(b) When submitting the exam form, the concerned campus/college must also include a file containing the forms along with the NPR 5 revenue stamp affixed to each form.
(c) The internal evaluation list must be submitted along with the exam forms. Forms without internal evaluations will not be accepted.
(d) The internal evaluation list must also be submitted via email to [email protected] in Excel file format.
(e) If the exam form or other required documents are unavailable, they can be downloaded from www.fomecd.edu.np and printed on legal-size paper for submission.
(f) The exam fees must be deposited in the account of the Faculty of Management, Tribhuvan University, Kirtipur Branch, at Nepal Bank Limited.
Account Number: 045-001-00011034000001
The original bank voucher and receipt must be submitted along with the exam forms.
Phone: 01-4331665, 01-4331977 (Exam)
Fax: 01-4331977
Email: [email protected], [email protected]
Website: www.fomecd.edu.np, www.tudoms.org