MA Third Semester 2022 Batch Exam Routine Published by Tribhuvan University

Exam 01 Sep 2024 1580

Tu Exam Routine

Tribhuvan University, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Dean's Office, T.U. Kirtipur, Kathmandu Examination Schedule Of MA Third Semester

Tribhuvan University, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Dean's Office, has published the examination schedule for the third-semester final exams of the Master's level (MA) under the semester system for the academic year 2022. This includes both regular students and partial students from previous years (up to the academic year 2019). The exams will commence from Ashwin 02, 2081, as per the details provided below for the information of all concerned.

Examination Time: From 1:00 PM to 4:00 PM

Examination Center: Will be published later.


  1. If a candidate's subject falls on the same day or is missing from the schedule, they are advised to contact this office immediately.
  2. The exams will not be postponed unless another notice is issued by this office.
  3. There will be no alternative arrangements for candidates who are absent from the exams as per the published schedule.
  4. All professors and staff working in the concerned campuses and departments are requested to provide mandatory assistance in conducting the exams.

Kirtipur, Kathmandu, Nepal

Telephone: + (977-1) 4330358, 01-4333980, 01-4335104, 01-5902368

E-mail: [email protected]


Published Date: 2081/05/11

MA III Semester (Regular and Partial): Batch 2022

Date: 2081-06-02

  1. Anthropology - Code No.: AN. 581 - Subject Title: Linguistic Anthropology
  2. Buddhist Studies - Code No.: BS 561 - Subject Title: Buddhist Traditions in South and East Asia
  3. Culture - Code No.: NeHCA.563 - Subject Title: Pre-history
  4. Economics - Code No.: Econ. 559 - Subject Title: Monetary Economics
  5. English - Code No.: ENGL 566.1 - Subject Title: Survey of British and American Drama
  6. Fine Arts
    • Code No.: Mus. 558 - Subject Title: Applied Theory and General Theory (Old Course)
    • Code No.: Mus. 560 - Subject Title: Ancient Music and Applied Theory
    • Code No.: Ptg./Sculp.561 - Subject Title: History and Philosophy of Art & Aesthetic
    • Code No.: Tab. 560 - Subject Title: Study of Eastern Avandada Badya
    • Code No.: Dan 563 - Subject Title: Critical Evolution of Some Aspects of Dance
  7. Geography - Code No.: Geog.557 - Subject Title: Region, Regionalism, and Regional Analysis
  8. Hindi - Code No.: Hind. 561 - Subject Title: Bharatiya Kabya Shastra
  9. History - Code No.: Hist.561 - Subject Title: Development In India
  10. Home Science
    • Code No.: HSCD 561 - Subject Title: Early Childhood Development II
    • Code No.: HSFN 561 - Subject Title: Nutrition Through the Life Cycle
  11. JMC - Code No.: JMC 561 - Subject Title: Intercultural Communication
  12. Library Science - Code No.: LiSc.563 - Subject Title: Information Sources and Services I
  13. Linguistics - Code No.: LING 561 - Subject Title: Historical Linguistics
  14. Maithili - Code No.: Mai 561 - Subject Title: Maithili Patrakarita
  15. Nepalbhasha - Code No.: NB 561 - Subject Title: Anubad Bigyan
  16. Nepali - Code No.: Nep.561 - Subject Title: Aadhunik Nepali Katha
  17. Political Science - Code No.: PS.561 - Subject Title: Comparative Government: Unitary and Federal Systems
  18. Population Studies - Code No.: Pop.561 - Subject Title: Computer Application in Population Studies
  19. Psychology
    • Code No.: Psy.561-1 - Subject Title: Introduction to Clinical Psychology
    • Code No.: Psy.561-2 - Subject Title: Organizational Behaviour
    • Code No.: Psy.561-3 - Subject Title: Fundamentals of Counseling
  20. RD
    • Code No.: RD 571 - Subject Title: Political Economy of Nepal (New Course)
    • Code No.: RD 571 - Subject Title: Rural Technology and Energy (Old Course)
  21. Sanskrit - Code No.: Skt.C-559 - Subject Title: Darshanam
  22. Sociology - Code No.: So 581 - Subject Title: World-System Perspective

Date: 2081-06-04

  1. Anthropology
    • Code No.: AN. 582 - Subject Title: Physical Anthropology
    • Code No.: AN. 582 a - Subject Title: Social Inclusion Governance in Nepal
  2. Buddhist Studies - Code No.: BS 562 - Subject Title: Eastern Religion and Philosophy
  3. Culture - Code No.: NeHCA.564 - Subject Title: Architecture of Nepal
  4. Economics - Code No.: Econ. 560 - Subject Title: Public Economics I
  5. English - Code No.: ENGL 567.1 - Subject Title: Modern and Postmodern Poetry
  6. Fine Arts
    • Code No.: Mus. 561 - Subject Title: Folk Music (Theory)
    • Code No.: Tab. 561 - Subject Title: Aesthetical Study
    • Code No.: Dan 564 - Subject Title: Elements of Language, Dance, Songs and Rhythm
  7. Geography - Code No.: Geog.558 - Subject Title: Climate, Hydrology, and Bio-Geography
  8. Hindi - Code No.: Hind. 562 - Subject Title: Bhasha Bigyan
  9. History - Code No.: Hist.562 - Subject Title: Oral History
  10. Home Science
    • Code No.: HSCD 562 - Subject Title: Recent Theories and Trends in Child Development
    • Code No.: HSFN 562 - Subject Title: Nutrition and Dietetics
  11. JMC - Code No.: JMC 562 - Subject Title: Media and Democratic Process
  12. Library Science - Code No.: LiSc.564 - Subject Title: Research Methodology in LIS 
  13. Linguistics - Code No.: LING 562 - Subject Title: Nepalese Linguistics
  14. Maithili - Code No.: Mai 562 - Subject Title: Nepaliya Maithili Sahitya
  15. Nepal Bhasha - Code No.: NB 562 - Subject Title: Nepalbhasha Aakhyan
  16. Nepali - Code No.: Nep.562 - Subject Title: Aadhunik Nepali Mahakabya
  17. Political Science - Code No.: PS.562 - Subject Title: Politics and Governance of South Asia
  18. Population Studies - Code No.: Pop.562 - Subject Title: Migration and Development
  19. Psychology
    • Code No.: Psy.562-1 - Subject Title: Biological Psychology
    • Code No.: Psy.562-2 - Subject Title: Psychology of Human Factors
    • Code No.: Psy.562-3 - Subject Title: Community Psychological Counseling
  20. RD
    • Code No.: RD 572 - Subject Title: Tourism and Development (New Course)
    • Code No.: RD 572 - Subject Title: Rural Finance (Old Course)
  21. Sanskrit - Code No.: Skt.C-560 - Subject Title: Nitishastram
  22. Sociology - Code No.: So 582 - Subject Title: Basic Statistics in Sociological Research

Date: 2081-06-06

  1. Anthropology
    • Code No.: AN. 583a - Subject Title: Research Methodology in Anthropology
    • Code No.: AN. 584 - Subject Title: Anthropology of Natural Resources Management
  2. Buddhist Studies - Code No.: BS 563 - Subject Title: Buddhist Tradition in North, East, and Central Asia
  3. Culture - Code No.: NeHCA.565 - Subject Title: Iconography
  4. Economics - Code No.: Econ. 561 - Subject Title: Research Methodology
  5. English - Code No.: ENGL 568.1 - Subject Title: Academic Writing: Argument
  6. Fine Arts
    • Code No.: Mus. 562 - Subject Title: Research Methodology
    • Code No.: Ptg./Sculp.562 - Subject Title: Research Methodology
    • Code No.: Tab. 562 - Subject Title: Research Methodology
    • Code No.: Dan 565 - Subject Title: Study of Bharatanatyam in Aesthetical Science and Comparison of it with Western Dance
    • Code No.: Dan 566 - Subject Title: Development and Presentation of Kathak Dance in Different Periods
  7. Geography - Code No.: Geog.562 - Subject Title: Research Methods in Geography II
  8. Hindi - Code No.: Hind. 563 - Subject Title: Hindi Bhasha
  9. History - Code No.: Hist.563 - Subject Title: Ethno Hist.: Society, Ethn., and Ethnic R., In Nepal
  10. Home Science
    • Code No.: HSCD 563 - Subject Title: Gender and Development
    • Code No.: HSFN 563 - Subject Title: Nutritional Assessment
  11. JMC - Code No.: JMC 563 - Subject Title: Social Media and Online Journalism
  12. Library Science - Code No.: LiSc.565 - Subject Title: Quantitative Techniques in LIS
  13. Linguistics - Code No.: LING 563 - Subject Title: Modern Linguistics Theories
  14. Maithili - Code No.: Mai 563 - Subject Title: Kabi Bishehs:- (a) Biddyapati (b) Dr. Dhirendra
  15. Nepal Bhasha - Code No.: NB 563 - Subject Title: Nepalbhasha Sahityayama Itihas
  16. Nepali - Code No.: Nep.563 - Subject Title: Sahityetihas Siddant, Nepali Sahityako Itihas
  17. Political Science - Code No.: PS.563 - Subject Title: Nepalese Politics and Political Behaviour
  18. Population Studies - Code No.: Pop.563 - Subject Title: Demographic Methods for Population Analy.-III
  19. Psychology
    • Code No.: Psy.563-1 - Subject Title: Psychopathology I
    • Code No.: Psy.563-2 - Subject Title: Personnel Psychology
    • Code No.: Psy.563-3 - Subject Title: Psychological Assessment in Counseling
  20. RD
    • Code No.: RD 573 - Subject Title: Sustainable Development (New Course)
    • Code No.: RD 573 - Subject Title: Tourism for Rural Development (Old Course)
  21. Sanskrit - Code No.: Skt.C-561 - Subject Title: Abhilekha Anusandhan Bidhishcha
  22. Sociology - Code No.: So 583 - Subject Title: Sociology of Gender

Date: 2081-06-08

  1. Anthropology
    • Code No.: AN. 584 a - Subject Title: Feminism and Gender Relations
    • Code No.: AN.586 - Subject Title: Anthropology of Development
    • Code No.: AN.590b - Subject Title: Social Inequality, Inclusion and Affirmative Action
  2. Buddhist Studies - Code No.: BS 564 - Subject Title: Buddhist Tourism in Nepal
  3. Culture - Code No.: NeHCA.566 - Subject Title: Fine Arts of Nepal
  4. Fine Arts - Code No.: Dan 568 - Subject Title: Biography
  5. Economics - Code No.: Econ. 562-1 - Subject Title: Econometrics
  6. English - Code No.: ENGL 569.1 - Subject Title: Nepal Studies
  7. Geography - Code No.: Geog.545 - Subject Title: Migration and Urbanization (opt.)
  8. Hindi - Code No.: Hind. 564 - Subject Title: Prayojan Mulal Hindi Aur Anubad Kala
  9. History
    • Code No.: Hist.564 A - Subject Title: Agrarian History of Nepal
    • Code No.: Hist. 564 B - Subject Title: Rural History of Nepal
    • Code No.: Hist.564 C - Subject Title: Legal History of Nepal
  10. Home Science
    • Code No.: HSCD 564 - Subject Title: Society of Adolescent
    • Code No.: HSFN 564 - Subject Title: Nutritional Biochemistry II
  11. JMC - Code No.: JMC 564 - Subject Title: Research Application and Media
  12. Library Science - Code No.: LiSc.566-1 - Subject Title: Computer Programming in Library Automation
  13. Linguistics
    • Code No.: LING 564-2 - Subject Title: Advanced Morphology
    • Code No.: LING 564-3 - Subject Title: Advanced Syntax
  14. Maithili - Code No.: Mai 564 - Subject Title: Yug Bishehs:- Mallakalin Maithili Sahitya
  15. Nepal Bhasha - Code No.: NB 564 - Subject Title: Newa: Savyata
  16. Nepali - Code No.: Nep.564 - Subject Title: Bhashik Adhyayan Parampara
  17. Political Science - Code No.: PS.564 - Subject Title: Foreign Policy and Diplomacy of Nepal
  18. Population Studies - Code No.: Pop.564 - Subject Title: Population, Gender and Development
  19. Psychology
    • Code No.: Psy.564-1 - Subject Title: Psychological Assessment
    • Code No.: Psy.564-2 - Subject Title: Applied Psychological Assessment
    • Code No.: Psy.564-3 - Subject Title: Mental Health Issues and Problems
  20. RD
    • Code No.: RD 574 - Subject Title: Gender and Development (New Course)
    • Code No.: RD 574 - Subject Title: Gender and Development (Old Course)
  21. Sanskrit - Code No.: Skt 562 - Subject Title: Laghu Shodhprabanda
  22. Sociology - Code No.: So 584 - Subject Title: Identity, Inequality and Intersectionality

Date: 2081-06-10

  1. Anthropology
    • Code No.: AN. 586 a - Subject Title: Societal Wellbeing, Resilience and Disasters
    • Code No.: AN. 587 - Subject Title: Anthropology of Disaster and Resilience
  2. Buddhist Studies - Code No.: BS 565 - Subject Title: Western Religion and Philosophy
  3. Culture - Code No.: NeHCA.567 - Subject Title: Museology
  4. Economics
    • Code No.: Econ. 562-5 - Subject Title: Managerial Economics
    • Code No.: Econ. 562-7 - Subject Title: Economics of Agricultural Development
  5. English
    • Code No.: ENGL 572.1 - Subject Title: Modernism and the City (For Old Course)
    • Code No.: ENGL 572.2 - Subject Title: Modernism and the City (For New Course)
  6. Geography - Code No.: Geog. 530 - Subject Title: Development Planning
  7. Hindi - Code No.: Hind. 565 - Subject Title: Pashchatya Samiksha Siddhant
  8. History
    • Code No.: Hist.565 A - Subject Title: Constitutional History of Nepal
    • Code No.: Hist.565 B - Subject Title: Military History of Nepal
    • Code No.: Hist.565 C - Subject Title: Trans-Himalayan Studies
  9. JMC - Code No.: JMC 565 - Subject Title: Principles and Practices of Advertising
  10. Linguistics
    • Code No.: LING 565-1 - Subject Title: Functional Typological Grammar
    • Code No.: LING 565-3 - Subject Title: Role and Reference Grammar
  11. Maithili - Code No.: Mai 565 - Subject Title: Maithili Kabya: Prachin, Madhya ra Aadhunik
  12. Nepal Bhasha - Code No.: NB 565 - Subject Title: Kakshapatra (Term Paper: Practical)
  13. Nepali
    • Code No.: Nep.565 - Subject Title: Natakkar Balkrishna Sam ra Unaka Natyakriti
    • Code No.: Nep.566 - Subject Title: Mahakabi Laxmi P. Devkota ra Unaka Kabitakriti
    • Code No.: Nep.567 - Subject Title: Natakkar Bijaya Malla ra Unaka Natyakriti
  14. Political Science - Code No.: PS.565-1 - Subject Title: International Political Economy
  15. Population Studies
    • Code No.: Pop.565.1 - Subject Title: Population and Development Policies
    • Code No.: Pop.565.2 - Subject Title: Demographics of Ageing and Social Welfare
    • Code No.: Pop.565.3 - Subject Title: Population, Environment and Development
  16. Psychology
    • Code No.: Psy.565-1 - Subject Title: Psychotherapy and Counseling
    • Code No.: Psy.565-2 - Subject Title: Psychology of Consumer Behaviour
    • Code No.: Psy.565-3 - Subject Title: Counseling Skills
  17. RD
    • Code No.: RD 575 - Subject Title: Research Methodology (New Course)
    • Code No.: RD 575 - Subject Title: Rural Livelihood and Clim. C. Adpt. (Old Course)
  18. Sociology - Code No.: So. 585 - Subject Title: Migration, Social Network, Remittance and Dev.

Date: 2081-06-12

  1. Anthropology
    • Code No.: AN. 587 a - Subject Title: Anthropology and Globalization
    • Code No.: AN.589 - Subject Title: Political Anthropology
  2. Culture - Code No.: NeHCA.568 - Subject Title: Numismatics
  3. Economics
    • Code No.: Econ. 562-2 - Subject Title: Environmental Economics
    • Code No.: Econ. 562-3 - Subject Title: International Economics
  4. English - Code No.: ENGL 574.1 - Subject Title: Life Writing: Theory and Practice
  5. Geography
    • Code No.: Geog 521 - Subject Title: Disaster Risk Management
    • Code No.: Geog 536 - Subject Title: Eco-Tourism and Sustainable Development
  6. Nepali - Code No.: Nep.569 - Subject Title: Shodh Tatha Srijanbidhi
  7. Political Science
    • Code No.: PS.565-2 - Subject Title: Diplomacy
    • Code No.: PS.565-3 - Subject Title: International Organization
  8. Sociology - Code No.: So 587 - Subject Title: Power Leadership, Govern mentality and Development

Date: 2081-06-14

  1. Anthropology - Code No.: An.588 - Subject Title: Society, Culture and Climate Change
  2. Economics
    • Code No.: Econ. 562-8 - Subject Title: History of Economic Thought
    • Code No.: Econ. 562-6 - Subject Title: Industrial Economics
  3. Sociology
    • Code No.: So. 586 - Subject Title: Sociology of Ageing and Disability
    • Code No.: So 588 - Subject Title: Urban Sociology

Date: 2081-06-16

  1. Anthropology - Code No.: AN. 585 - Subject Title: Medical Anthropology
  2. Dance - Code No.: Dan 567 - Subject Title: Geographical Features and Staff Notation of Various Dance
  3. Economics - Code No.: Econ. 562-4 - Subject Title: Economic Demography
  4. Sociology - Code No.: So. 589 - Subject Title: Sociology of Disaster
  5. Geography
    • Code No.: Geog 519 - Subject Title: Soil Geography
    • Code No.: Geog 520 - Subject Title: Environmental Impact Assessment


MA III Semester 2022 Batch Exam Routine.PDF

Tribhuvan University Exam Routine