Lumbini Pradesh Lok Sewa Aayog Written Exam Center of Staff Nurse
Province Public Service Commission, Lumbini Pradesh, Butwal, Nepal Notification of examination Center of Assistant Level V (Technical) Staff Nurse
Commission notification no. 437-080/081, dated as per the approved list published on 2080/12/11 2080/12/24 on Saturday, at 11:00 a.m. Local level advertisement no. 51002/2080-81, Health Service, Public Health Nursing Group, Assistant Level V (Technical) Staff Nurse Post Written Examination There is a request for information about the procedures that will be conducted in the examination centers as per the details.
Exam Guidelines:
- When you come for the exam, you must bring the admit card. No admit card will be admitted to the exam. Candidates must submit an admit card along with a citizenship
- It is compulsory to bring the certificate with you and arrive at the examination hall at least 1 hour before the commencement of the examination. In case of missing the admit card due to any reason
- 1 hour before the start of the exam, you have to go to the exam center and submit an application to the head of the center for a copy.
- Candidates should enter the exam center half an hour before the exam start time.
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