Lumbini Pradesh Lok Sewa Aayog Written Exam Center of Amin Post

Exam 22 Jun 2023 4974

Lumbini Pradesh Lok Sewa Aayog Written Exam Center of Amin Post

Lumbini Pradesh Province Public Service Commission: Notice of Examination Center and Guidelines

The Province Public Service Commission of Lumbini Pradesh, situated in Butwal, Nepal, is issuing a notice for the written examination to be held under local government service. Notice number 146/079-80, dated 2080/02/32, includes details about the examination center, the exam itself, and specific guidelines and instructions for the candidates.

Details of the Written Examination

  • Advertisement No: 52018-52022/2079-80
  • Service, Group: Engineering, Survey
  • Level: Assistant Level IV
  • Designation: Amin
  • Exam Date and Time: Tuesday 19/03/2080, 8:00 AM

Examination Centers

The written examination will be held in various centers. Candidates should report to the exam centers assigned to them:

  1. Sri Kalika Anthropology Secondary School, Sector 2, Basecamp, Ramnagar, “A” Centre
  2. Shri Kalika Manavgyan Secondary School, Sector 2, Basecamp, Ramnagar, Center “B”
  3. Shree Janata Secondary School, Basecamp, ​​“A” Centre
  4. Shree Janta Secondary School, Basecamp, "B" Center
  5. Shri Siddheshwar Lalkumari Secondary School, Dipnagar, "A" Center
  6. Shree Siddheshwar Lalkumari Secondary School, Dipnagar, "B" Center
  7. Shree Gyanodaya Secondary School, Pulchok, "A" Center
  8. Shree Gyanodaya Secondary School, Pulchok, "B" Center
  9. Shree Kanti Secondary School, Hatbazar Line, "K" Center
  10. Shree Kanti Secondary School, Hatbazar Line, "B" Center
  11. Shree Kanti Secondary School, Hatbazar Line, "C" Center
  12. Shri Kanti Secondary School, Hatbazar Line, Center "D"
  13. Shri Kanti Secondary School, Hatbazar Line, Center "E"

Guidelines and Instructions for Candidates

To ensure smooth conduct of the examination, the Commission has laid down the following guidelines:

  1. Admit Cards: Admit cards are mandatory for entry into the examination hall. Candidates should arrive at least one hour before the exam starts, with their admit cards and citizenship certificates.

  2. Prohibited Items: Personal belongings such as bags, books, copies, documents, mobile phones, smartwatches, and electronic devices are not allowed inside the examination hall.

  3. Answer Sheet: The answer sheet uses OMR technology. Only pens with black ink should be used during the exam.

  4. Examination Schedule: The examination will be held as per the schedule defined by the Commission. No postponements will be allowed without prior notice from the Commission.

  5. Question Paper Key: Candidates must write the key of the question paper in the answer book. Failure to do so will result in automatic cancellation of the answer sheet.

  6. Use of Calculators: The use of calculators is not permitted in the exam.

  7. Issues with Admit Cards: Candidates unable to download their admit cards can still attend the exam. They must arrive at their exam center one hour earlier with a copy of the admit card.

AMIN Lumbini Pradesh Exam Center Notice PPSC PPSC Lumbini

Lumbini Pradesh Pradesh Lok Sewa Aayog

Butwal, Butwal

Estd. 2019


