Lumbini Pradesh Province Public Service Commission: Notice of Examination Center and Guidelines
The Province Public Service Commission of Lumbini Pradesh, situated in Butwal, Nepal, is issuing a notice for the written examination to be held under local government service. Notice number 146/079-80, dated 2080/02/32, includes details about the examination center, the exam itself, and specific guidelines and instructions for the candidates.
Details of the Written Examination
- Advertisement No: 52018-52022/2079-80
- Service, Group: Engineering, Survey
- Level: Assistant Level IV
- Designation: Amin
- Exam Date and Time: Tuesday 19/03/2080, 8:00 AM
Examination Centers
The written examination will be held in various centers. Candidates should report to the exam centers assigned to them:
- Sri Kalika Anthropology Secondary School, Sector 2, Basecamp, Ramnagar, “A” Centre
- Shri Kalika Manavgyan Secondary School, Sector 2, Basecamp, Ramnagar, Center “B”
- Shree Janata Secondary School, Basecamp, ââ“A” Centre
- Shree Janta Secondary School, Basecamp, "B" Center
- Shri Siddheshwar Lalkumari Secondary School, Dipnagar, "A" Center
- Shree Siddheshwar Lalkumari Secondary School, Dipnagar, "B" Center
- Shree Gyanodaya Secondary School, Pulchok, "A" Center
- Shree Gyanodaya Secondary School, Pulchok, "B" Center
- Shree Kanti Secondary School, Hatbazar Line, "K" Center
- Shree Kanti Secondary School, Hatbazar Line, "B" Center
- Shree Kanti Secondary School, Hatbazar Line, "C" Center
- Shri Kanti Secondary School, Hatbazar Line, Center "D"
- Shri Kanti Secondary School, Hatbazar Line, Center "E"
Guidelines and Instructions for Candidates
To ensure smooth conduct of the examination, the Commission has laid down the following guidelines:
Admit Cards: Admit cards are mandatory for entry into the examination hall. Candidates should arrive at least one hour before the exam starts, with their admit cards and citizenship certificates.
Prohibited Items: Personal belongings such as bags, books, copies, documents, mobile phones, smartwatches, and electronic devices are not allowed inside the examination hall.
Answer Sheet: The answer sheet uses OMR technology. Only pens with black ink should be used during the exam.
Examination Schedule: The examination will be held as per the schedule defined by the Commission. No postponements will be allowed without prior notice from the Commission.
Question Paper Key: Candidates must write the key of the question paper in the answer book. Failure to do so will result in automatic cancellation of the answer sheet.
Use of Calculators: The use of calculators is not permitted in the exam.
Issues with Admit Cards: Candidates unable to download their admit cards can still attend the exam. They must arrive at their exam center one hour earlier with a copy of the admit card.