Lumbini Pradesh Lok Sewa Aayog Ban Rakshak Written Exam Schedule (Date and Time)

Exam 09 Dec 2021 20117

Pradesh Lok Sewa Aayog, Lumbini Pradesh Profile

Lumbini Pradesh Lok Sewa Aayog Ban Rakshak Written Exam Schedule (Date and Time): Lumbini Province, Written Examination Operation and Results Publication Branch, Province Public Service Commission Schedule of written examination for the post of Nepal Forest Service, General Forestry Group, Layered, Forest Ranger under Province Civil Service.

Advertisement No. FRT-54001-54007 / 2078-079 of Nepal Forest Service, General Forestry Group, Non-Level, Forest Guard post under Province Civil Service. The date and time of the competitive written examination of the second phase of the candidates is requested as follows.

Cross. Ad no. Service, group, level ad type exam date and time

Service, Group, Level: Nepal Forest Service, General Forestry Group

Exam Date: 2078-09-24 (2:00 pm)


1) It is mandatory to bring the admission card when you come to take the exam. Admission will not be included in the examination without a ticket. Candidates must arrive at the examination building at least one hour before the commencement of the examination along with the admission card, citizenship certificate or identity card with photo issued by the government body.

2) Bags, books, copies, documents, mobiles, smart watches and electronic devices are prohibited inside the examination hall.

3) Candidates should use only black ink pen in the exam.

4) The examination will be conducted as per the schedule determined by the Commission. The examination will not be postponed as per the schedule without prior notice of the Commission.

5) In the material examination, the candidate must write himself / herself in the answer key of the question paper, otherwise the answer sheet will be canceled automatically.

6) Calculator will not be used in the exam.

Candidates should come to the examination center with a face shield / mask and a sanitizer for their intended purpose considering the infection of Covid-19. You will have to manage your own drinking water.

Contact: 071-541062, [email protected][email protected]

Lumbini Pradesh Exam Routine

Lumbini Pradesh Pradesh Lok Sewa Aayog

Butwal, Butwal

Estd. 2019


