Lumbini Pradesh Lok Sewa Aayog 4th Level Assistant First Stage Written Exam Center

Exam 28 Jul 2024 1811

Lumbini Pradesh Lok Sewa Aayog Notice

Lumbini Pradesh Lok Sewa Aayog 4th Level Assistant First Stage Written Exam Center

Notice of Designated Examination Centers for the Second Phase of the Written Examination by the Provincial Public Service Commission, Lumbini Province, Butwal

The Provincial Public Service Commission, Lumbini Province, Butwal, has designated the examination centers for the second phase of the written examination for candidates who passed the first phase of the examination conducted on 2081/03/22. This notice is published for the information of all concerned. The advertisement number is ADM50006-50010/2080-81 (Open and Inclusive), under the Local Government Service, Administration Service, General Administration/Accounting Group, Assistant Level Fourth Level (Non-Technical), Assistant/Assistant Accountant post.


Examination Date: 2081 Shrawan 32 (Friday) at 3:00 PM and Bhadra 1 (Saturday) at 11:00 AM

Designated Examination Centers for the Second and Third Papers:

  1. Kanti Secondary School, Hatbazar Line, "Ka" Center - 200 candidates
  2. Kanti Secondary School, Hatbazar Line, "Kha" Center - 200 candidates
  3. Kanti Secondary School, Hatbazar Line, "Ga" Center - 200 candidates
  4. Kanti Secondary School, Hatbazar Line, "Gha" Center - 200 candidates
  5. Kanti Secondary School, Hatbazar Line, "Nga" Center - 200 candidates
  6. Kanti Secondary School, Hatbazar Line, "Cha" Center - 200 candidates
  7. Siddhartha Gautam Buddha Campus, Hatbazar Line, "Ka" Center - 200 candidates
  8. Siddhartha Gautam Buddha Campus, Hatbazar Line, "Kha" Center - 200 candidates
  9. Siddhartha Gautam Buddha Campus, Hatbazar Line, "Ga" Center - 200 candidates
  10. Siddhartha Gautam Buddha Campus, Hatbazar Line, "Gha" Center - 200 candidates
  11. Gyanodaya Secondary School, Pulchowk, Butwal, "Ka" Center - 200 candidates
  12. Gyanodaya Secondary School, Pulchowk, Butwal, "Kha" Center - 200 candidates
  13. Tilottama Secondary School, Nepalgunj Road, Butwal Center - 200 candidates
  14. Scholars Home Secondary School, “B Block”, Itabhatti, "Ka" Center - 200 candidates
  15. Scholars Home Secondary School, “B Block”, Itabhatti, "Kha" Center - 200 candidates
  16. Naveen Audyogik Kadam Bahadur Rita Secondary School, Devinagar, "Ka" Center - 200 candidates
  17. Naveen Audyogik Kadam Bahadur Rita Secondary School, Devinagar, "Kha" Center - 200 candidates
  18. Naveen Audyogik Kadam Bahadur Rita Secondary School, Devinagar, "Na" Center - 200 candidates
  19. Naveen Audyogik Kadam Bahadur Rita Secondary School, Devinagar, "Gha" Center - 291 candidates

Instructions and Guidelines for Examinees:

  1. The examination will not be postponed even if an unexpected holiday falls on the day of the examination without prior notice from the Commission.
  2. Candidates must use only a dot pen/pen with black ink in the answer sheet.
  3. Candidates who are eligible for the second phase of the examination can participate with the same admission card in the above-mentioned examination program.
  4. No candidate will be allowed to participate in the examination without an admission card, so it is mandatory to bring the admission card and arrive at the examination hall at least 1 hour before the examination starts.
  5. Bags, mobile phones, smartwatches, and other electronic devices are prohibited in the examination hall.
  6. Along with the admission card, candidates must bring their citizenship or any photo ID issued by the Government of Nepal.
  7. No candidates will be allowed to take the exam in any examination centers other than the designated centers.

For further information, contact the Written Examination Operation Branch at 071-531484.

Lumbini Pradesh Exam Center PPSC PPSC Lumbini

Lumbini Pradesh Pradesh Lok Sewa Aayog

Butwal, Butwal

Estd. 2019


