Lok Sewa Aayog Written Exam Center of Saha Sachiv (Civil Engineering, Irrigation)

Exam 05 Jan 2022 2329

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Lok Sewa Aayog Written Exam Center of Saha Sachiv (Civil Engineering, Irrigation): The pre-scheduled examination program has been postponed by the Public Service Commission as per the interim order of the Hon'ble Supreme Court. As per the order of the Hon'ble Supreme Court dated 2078-9-13, the interim order of adjournment of the mentioned examination should not be discontinued. This information has been published for the information of all concerned as it has been decided by the PSC on 2078-9-21 to conduct the examination program and examination center according to the following.

Examination Center: Public Service Commission, Anamnagar

Ad number: 17160-17161 / 2078-79 (Internal Competition / Madhesi)

Position: Saha Sachiv or similar

Category: Gazetted First Class

Services, groups, subgroups: Nepal Engineering, Civil, Irrigation

First Paper: 2078-10-6, 8:30 p.m.

Second Paper: 2078-10-7, 8:30 p.m.

Lok Sewa Aayog Lok Sewa Aayog Exam Exam Center Saha Sachiv

Lok Sewa Aayog

Anamnagar, Kathmandu

Estd. 1951


