Information on Examination Venue for the First Phase of Written Examination for Non-Gazetted First Class (Non-Technical), Nayab Subba or Equivalent Positions.
Public Service Commission, Pokhara Office, advertisement number 12851-12856/081-82 (Open and Inclusive), Gazette Unclassified First Class, Nayab Subba or equivalent positions, has set the examination center in Pokhara for candidates whose application forms were accepted. Under the combined and integrated examination system, Public Service Commission, Pokhara Office, advertisement number 12851-12856/081-82, for Non-Gazetted First Class (Non-Technical), Nayab Subba or equivalent positions, Pokhara examination center has been fixed for candidates whose online applications were accepted (excluding Nepal Administrative Service, Accounts Group but including Judicial/Administrative and Revenue Groups). The first phase written examination will be conducted as per the schedule, date, time, and examination center while adhering to health safety standards set by the Government of Nepal. This notice is published for the information of all concerned. Candidates must follow the instructions mentioned in Note 1 below.
Serial Number:
Subject: General Knowledge and General Aptitude Test
Schedule: Examination Date - 2081/11/17
Examination Time: 1:00 PM
Duration: 45 minutes
Note 1:
Candidates must use only black ink pens or ballpoint pens while writing answers in the answer booklet.
No candidate will be allowed to participate in the examination without an admit card. Candidates must bring their admit card along with a citizenship certificate or any photo ID issued by the Government of Nepal. They must arrive at the designated examination venue at least one hour before the start of the examination.
Bringing mobile phones, smartwatches, or any other electronic devices into the examination hall is strictly prohibited.
If a candidate unexpectedly takes leave on the day of the examination, the scheduled examination program will not be postponed without prior notice from the Commission.
Candidates will not be allowed to participate in the examination at any venue other than the designated examination center.