Lok Sewa Aayog Jaleshwor Notice of the establishment of the examination hall for the first phase of the written examination of the candidates whose applications have been accepted at Birgunj Center except those who have applied only for the Accounts Group of the Public Service Commission, Jaleshwar Office, Advertisement No. 11301-11306/081-82 (Open and Inclusive), Non-Gazetted First Class (Non-Technical), Nayab Subba or similar posts.
Notice of the establishment of the examination hall for the first phase of the written examination of the candidates whose applications have been accepted at Jaleshwar Center except those who have applied only for the Accounts Group of the Public Service Commission, Jaleshwar Office, Advertisement No. 11301-11306/081-82 (Open and Inclusive), Non-Gazetted First Class (Non-Technical), Nayab Subba or similar posts.
Notice of the establishment of the examination hall for the first stage of the written examination of the candidates whose applications have been accepted except for those who have applied only for the Accounts Group under Advertisement No. 11301-11306/081-82 (Open and Inclusive), Non-Gazetted First Class (Non-Technical), Nayab Subba or similar posts of the Public Service Commission, Jaleshwor Office.
As per the notification No. 1009/2081-82 dated 30/10/2081 of the Public Service Commission (Examination Conducting Branch), except for the Accounts Group, the first stage of the written examination of the candidates whose applications have been accepted under Advertisement No. 11301-11306/081-82 (Open and Inclusive), Non-Gazetted First Class (Non-Technical), Nayab Subba or similar posts under the Joint and Integrated Examination System of the Justice and Administrative Service, Lahan, Jaleshwor and Birgunj examination centers will be conducted at the following examination halls on the following dates, times and places. This notice has been published for the information of all concerned.
In addition, candidates who require a supporting writer must submit an application to this office 10 (ten) days before the date of the examination, enclosing the documents with the reasons and evidence for requesting a supporting writer, as per Rule 68 (1) of the Public Service Commission Rules, 2079 BS. They must reach the designated examination building at least 1 (one) hour before the commencement of the examination. The matters that must be followed by the examinees are mentioned in the notes.
a) In case of an unexpected holiday on the day of the examination, the examination as per the scheduled program will not be postponed without prior notice from the Commission. No candidate will be admitted to the examination without an admit card. Also, the examinee must bring a Nepali citizenship certificate or an original certificate with a photograph issued by a government office when coming to participate in the examination.
b) They must reach the examination center 1 hour before the commencement of the examination.
c) Mobile and electronic devices are prohibited in the examination building. Calculators are not allowed to be used in the examination.
d) The type of examination will be multiple choice OMR answer sheet.
e) Only black ink will be used in the examination. Also, lead pens will not be allowed to be used in the answer sheet.
f) Candidates will not be allowed to participate in any examination center other than the designated examination center.