Lok Sewa Aayog Mahendranagar Nayab Subba Post Second Phase Exam Center

Exam 17 Apr 2024 1270

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Public Service Commission, Mahendranagar Office, Mahendranagar, Kanchanpur Notice of Establishment of Examination Building for Second Stage Examination for Non-Gazetted First Class Nayab Subba or Equivalent (Non-Technical) Posts

Public Service Commission, Depayal Office, Rajpur, Doti's advertisement no. 15701- 15705/2080-81 (Open/Inclusive) under the combined and integrated examination system for Non-Gazetted First Class (Non-Technical) Nayab Subba or equivalent post at Mahendranagar examination center and the candidates who have passed the written examination of the first stage have been accepted and the online application has been accepted. 2nd and 3rd paper) Written examination schedule date, time and examination center will be conducted in accordance with the health and safety standards set by the Government of Nepal, so this notice is published for the information of all concerned. The subjects to be followed by the examinees are mentioned in Notes 1 and 2 below.


* Candidates should use black ink dot pen and pen only in the answer sheet.

* No candidate will be admitted to the examination without admit card. In the exam, along with the admit card issued by the relevant body, you must take your citizenship or an identity card issued by the government of Nepal and come to the designated examination hall at least 1 hour before the start of the exam.

* It is prohibited to carry mobile phones and electronic devices in the examination hall.

* Even if there is an unexpected holiday on the day of the examination, the scheduled examination program will not be postponed without prior notice from the Commission. * Candidates will not be allowed to participate in the examination hall other than the designated examination hall.


In the special case of transition, according to the criteria related to examination (operation and management) 2077, the examinee must fully comply with the following subjects.

* Mask must be worn before entering the examination center. Candidates should arrange sanitizer and drinking water for themselves.

* When entering the examination center, when going to the toilet, when leaving the examination center, distance must be maintained.

* The instructions given by the personnel assigned to the examination must be fully followed.

* When entering the exam center, after the exam, when leaving, gather in a group and discuss, do not talk to each other.

* As a special examination center will be arranged for the examinees infected with covid-19, the examinees infected with covid-19 should contact the office phone no. at least 3 hours before the start of the exam. 099-521209/099-523992 should be contacted and informed.

Website: www.psc.gov.np, Email. Address. [email protected]., 099-521209 Fax 099-523992

Notice no. 49/2080/81 Date: 2081/01/04

Lok Sewa Aayog Lok Sewa Aayog Exam Exam Center Nayab Subba Mahendranagar

Lok Sewa Aayog

Anamnagar, Kathmandu

Estd. 1951


