Lok Sewa Aayog Kharidar Post Second Phase Exam Center (Jaleshwor, Birgunj, Lahan)

Exam 24 Nov 2022 2467

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Lok Sewa Aayog Kharidar Post Second Phase Exam Center (Jaleshowr, Birgunj, Lahan): Public Service Commission Jaleshwar Office Advertisement No. 11310-11316/077-78 (Combined and Integrated), Open and Inclusive, Non-Gazetted, Second Class (Non-Technical) Purchaser or equivalent post Date 2079 Ashoj 8th 2nd of all the candidates who passed the first stage competitive written examination conducted at Birganj Examination Center Notice of the establishment of examination building for competitive written examination of the phase

Public Service Commission Jaleshwar Office Advertisement No. 11310-11316/077-78 (Combined and Integrated), Open and Inclusive, Non-Gazetted, Second Class (Non-Technical) Purchaser or similar post Date 2079 Ashoj 8th 2079 Second of all the candidates who passed the first stage competitive written examination conducted at Lahan Examination Center Notice of the establishment of examination building for competitive written examination of the phase

Public Service Commission Jaleshwar Office Advertisement No. 11310-11316/077-78 (Combined and Integrated), Open and Inclusive, Non-Gazetted, Second Class (Non-Technical) Purchaser or equivalent post Date 2079 Ashoj 8th 2079 Second of all the candidates who passed the first stage competitive written examination conducted at Jaleshwar Examination Center Notice of the establishment of examination building for competitive written examination of the phase

Lok Sewa Aayog Lok Sewa Aayog Exam Kharidar Kharidar Exam Birgunj Exam Center PSC Jaleshwor

Lok Sewa Aayog

Anamnagar, Kathmandu

Estd. 1951


