Lok Sewa Aayog Kharidar Post First Phase Exam Center (Jaleshwor, Lahan, Birgunj): Public Service Commission, Jaleshwar Office, Jaleshwar Advertisement No. 11310-11316/077-78 (Open and Inclusive), Combined and Integrated, Non-Gazetted Second Class (Non-Technical), Kharidar or equivalent post, Birgunj Examination Center mentioned on Online Application Form Accepted Notice that the examination building has been set up for the first stage of the written examination of the candidates.
Public Service Commission, Jaleshwar Office, Jaleshwar Advertisement No. 11310-11316/077-78 (Open and Inclusive), Joint and Integrated, Non-Gazetted Second Class (Non-Technical), Kharidar or equivalent post, Lahan Examination Center mentioned on Online Application Form Accepted Notice that the examination building has been set up for the first stage of the written examination of the candidates.
Public Service Commission, Jaleshwar Office, Jaleshwar Advertisement No. 11310-11316/077-78 (Open and Inclusive), Combined and Integrated, Non-Gazetted Second Class (Non-Technical), Kharidar or equivalent post, Jaleshwar Examination Center mentioned on Online Application Form Accepted Notice that the examination building has been set up for the first stage of the written examination of the candidates.