Lok Sewa Aayog Dhankuta Exam Center of Game Scout Post

Exam 26 Jan 2024 3077

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Lok Sewa Aayog Dhankuta Exam Center of Game Scout Post:

The Public Service Commission (PSC) Dhankuta Office has officially announced the scheduling of the first stage of the physical examination and fitness test for the Game Scout position. This announcement pertains to candidates who have successfully applied under Advertisement Numbers 10137-10141/2079-80 (Open/Inclusive) within the Nepal Forest Service's National Parks and Wildlife Group.

Important Examination Details

  • Examination Components: The physical examination for the Game Scout post will cover measurements of height, chest, and weight, alongside tests for eyesight and color vision. The fitness assessment will include activities such as a 200 meters sprint, a 3000 meters run, tree climbing, and swimming.
  • Admission and Documentation: Arriving at the examination center one hour early is mandatory. Candidates must bring their admit card and a valid certificate of Nepali citizenship or a photo ID issued by a government office.
  • Medical Requirements: A pass in an eye examination conducted by a Nepal Medical Council-certified doctor is required, with color vision standards specified between +2 to -2.

Guidelines for Candidates

  • Physical and Fitness Test Participation: Absence in any test phase without valid reason will disqualify a candidate from further tests.
  • Health Declaration: A signed declaration of good health is required, acknowledging personal responsibility for any incidents during the test.
  • Dress Code and Belongings: It is recommended to wear appropriate attire, such as sports dresses, tracksuits, vests, shoes, half pants, swimming costumes, and towels. Candidates are responsible for their items.
  • Following Instructions: Adherence to the guidelines provided by the examination staff is crucial. Participants must take their turn in each exam phase as instructed.
  • Examination Schedule: The examination will proceed on the scheduled date, irrespective of unexpected holidays, unless an official notice is issued by the Commission.
  • Advancement to Written Examination: Successful candidates in the first stage will be eligible for the subsequent written examination.

Lok Sewa Aayog Lok Sewa Aayog Exam Exam Center Dhankuta

Lok Sewa Aayog

Anamnagar, Kathmandu

Estd. 1951


