Lok Sewa Aayog Dang Nayab Subba Written Exam Centers 2081

Exam 17 Feb 2025 2301

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Lok Sewa Aayog Dang Nayab Subba Written Exam Centers 2081

Public Service Commission (PSC – Lok Sewa Aayog), the Butwal Office operated by the Dang Office, Advertisement No. 13801-13805/081-82 (Open and Inclusive), Non-Gazetted, First Category (Non-technical), under the Combined and Integrated Examination System for the post of Nayab Subba or equivalent, hereby informs that the examination hall for the first stage written exam has been fixed for all candidates of other service groups (except those approved solely under the Nepal Administration Service and Accounts Group) among those whose application forms have been approved.

Public Service Commission, the Butwal Office operated by the Dang Office, Advertisement No. 13801-13805/081-82 (Open and Inclusive), under the Combined and Integrated Examination System for Non-Gazetted, First Category (Non-technical) positions of Nayab Subba or equivalent with Dang as the examination center, announces that the first stage written exam for candidates whose online applications have been approved (for Justice/Administration and Revenue groups excluding the Nepal Administration Service and Accounts Group) will be held on the following date, time, and examination center, under the health safety protocols prescribed by the Government of Nepal. This notice is issued for the information of all concerned.

The subjects that candidates must adhere to are specified below in Note 1:

Subject: General Knowledge (GK) and General Aptitude Test (GAT)

Details: Examination Schedule

Examination Date: 2081/11/17

Examination Time: 1:00 PM

Examination Duration: 45 minutes

Note 1:

  • Candidates must use only a black ink dot pen and pen on the answer sheet.

  • No candidate will be permitted to enter the exam without an admission card. Along with the admission card issued by the relevant authority, candidates must mandatorily carry their citizenship certificate or any photo identification issued by the Government of Nepal. They must arrive at the designated examination hall at least 1 hour before the exam.

  • Mobile phones, smart watches, or other electronic devices are prohibited from being brought into the examination hall.

  • Even if an unforeseen holiday occurs on the day of the exam, the scheduled examination will not be postponed without prior notice from the commission.

  • Candidates will not be allowed to take the exam in any examination hall other than the designated one.

Lok Sewa Aayog Dang Nayab Subba Written Exam Centers 2081

Lok Sewa Aayog Lok Sewa Aayog Exam Exam Center Nayab Subba

Lok Sewa Aayog

Anamnagar, Kathmandu

Estd. 1951


