Koshi Pradesh Lok Sewa Aayog Written Exam Centers for the 9th Level Officer Positions 2081

Exam 14 Aug 2024 1936

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Koshi Pradesh Lok Sewa Aayog Written Exam Centers for the 9th Level Officer Positions 2081

Province Public Service Commission, Koshi Province, Biratnagar, Nepal Notice Regarding the Allocation of Exam Centers for the Ninth Level Officer Positions Written Exam

This notice is published to inform all concerned that the competitive written exams for the First and Second Papers of the following advertisements, services, groups, and positions of the Province Public Service Commission, Koshi Province, Biratnagar, have been scheduled to take place on the following dates, times, and locations as per the pre-determined exam program. This applies to candidates who have submitted their application forms through the Province Public Service Commission's online application system.

Important Notices:

  • Candidates will not be allowed to participate in the exam without the admit card.
  • Candidates must arrive at the exam center at least 1 hour before the exam time to locate their exam rooms.
  • Admit cards will not be distributed from the exam centers.
  • Mobile phones, smartwatches, and similar electronic devices are not allowed in the exam hall.
  • Only black ink must be used in the answer sheets.
  • Candidates must bring the original of one of the following identification documents along with the admit card issued by the Commission: Citizenship Certificate, Voter ID, Driver’s License, or a photo ID issued by a government office.
  • Even in the event of an unexpected public holiday on the day of the exam, the exam will not be postponed without prior notice from the Commission.

Notice No. 12/2081-082, Date: 2081/04/26

Koshi Pradesh Exam Center PPSC PPSC Koshi

Koshi Pradesh Lok Sewa Aayog

Biratnagar, Biratnagar

Estd. 2020


