Karnali Pradesh Lok Sewa Aayog Written Exam Center for Computer Officer (Officer Level Seventh)
Province Public Service Commission, Karnali Province (PPSC Karnali Pradesh / Karnali Pradesh Lok Sewa Aayog), Birendranagar, Surkhet Notice Regarding Examination Venue
This notice is published to inform all concerned that the first phase written examination for the position of Computer Officer (Officer Level Seventh) under Advertisement No. 553 / 2079-080, Diverse Service, as per Notification No. 40/079-80 dated 2079/06/25 of this Commission, will be conducted on 2081/05/15.
The first paper will be conducted at 8:00 AM, and the second paper at 2:00 PM at the examination centers listed below.
Examination Schedule:
- Advertisement Number: 553/079-080
- Position: Computer Officer
- Center and Roll Numbers: Transport Management Office, Itram, Surkhet, Roll Numbers 1 to 62
- Number of Candidates: 62
- Examination Venue: Center A
- Roll Numbers: 1 to 62
Important Instructions for Candidates:
- The examination will not be postponed even if an unexpected public holiday falls on the scheduled examination day, unless otherwise notified by the Commission.
- Candidates will not be allowed to participate in the examination without the admit card. Candidates who need a copy of the admit card must obtain it from this office one day before the examination. Candidates must arrive at the examination center at least 1 (one) hour before the start of the examination.
- Candidates must bring the original Nepali citizenship certificate or any other photo identity card issued by the Government of Nepal; otherwise, they will not be allowed to participate in the examination.
- Candidates must fully comply with the instructions given by the personnel assigned to the examination.
- It is prohibited to bring bags, mobile phones, or any other electronic devices into the examination hall.
- Only black ink pens/dot pens should be used in the examination.
Contact Information:
- Telephone Numbers: 083-590300, 083-590301
- E-mail: [email protected] / [email protected]
Notice Published Date: 2081/05/05