Karnali Pradesh Lok Sewa Aayog Written Exam Center for 4th Level Assistant Sub Engineer
The notice dated 2080/12/27 with notification no. 198/050-61, advertisement no. 520-524/2050-059, for the Engineer Services, Civil Group, Fourth Level, Assistant Sub-Engineer post's first phase written examination, will be conducted as per the pre-determined schedule on the date 2081-03-08 at 8:00 AM in the designated examination centers. Therefore, this notice is published for the information of all concerned.
Notice for Examinees (Subjects that must be followed by the candidates):
- Even if there is an unexpected public holiday on the exam day, the exam will not be postponed without prior notice from the organization as per the pre-determined schedule.
- Entry without an admit card is not allowed. Candidates must bring a copy of the admit card and an identification document on the exam day.
- Candidates must arrive at the examination center one (1) hour before the exam starts.
- Candidates must bring an original copy of their Nepalese citizenship card or any other photo identity card issued by the Government of Nepal for verification purposes.
- Candidates must follow the instructions provided by the examination invigilator.
- It is strictly prohibited to bring any kind of electronic devices, including mobile phones, into the examination hall.
- Only black pens should be used for writing and marking in the exam.
Phone Numbers: 083-590300, 083-590301