Notice Regarding Publication of Written Examination Schedule for Various Internal, Open, and Inclusive Posts as per the Previously Published Advertisement of Industrial Area Management Limited.
Institution: Industrial Area Management Limited
Advertisement Publication Date: 2081/09/19 (B.S.)
Written Exam Schedule Publication Date: 2081/11/28 (B.S.)
As per the previously published advertisement by Industrial Area Management Limited, the competitive written examination schedule for the following internal, open, and inclusive posts has been determined as per the details below. This notice is published for the information of all concerned.
Important Notes for Candidates:
Only black ink dot pen/pen must be used on the answer sheet.
No candidate will be allowed in the examination without an admit card. Candidates must reach the exam hall at least 1 hour before the exam.
Mobile phones are strictly prohibited inside the exam hall.
Even if an unexpected public holiday is announced on the exam date, the schedule will not be postponed without prior notice from the commission.
For objective multiple-choice questions, 20% marks will be deducted for wrong answers.
For multiple-choice answers, only capital letters (A, B, C, D) will be accepted.
Along with the admit card, candidates must bring any identity card with a photo issued by the Government of Nepal, such as citizenship certificate or similar ID.
Candidates who need a writing assistant must personally submit an application to the exam-conducting office at least 10 (ten) days before the examination, as per Rule 68 of Public Service Commission Regulation, 2079.