Gandaki Pradesh Lok Sewa Aayog Written Exam Centers of 5th Level
Gandaki Province Public Service Commission Notice of the establishment of examination hall for written examination of various posts, technical, various services/groups, fifth level, various posts under Gandaki Province, Provincial Civil Service, and Local Government Service
The competitive written examination program for candidates who have completed the application form online and have been accepted for the various posts (technical) of the fifth level of the Provincial Civil Service and Local Service will be conducted at the following examination centers. This notice has been published for the information of all concerned. The candidates are informed that they should reach the designated examination center one hour before the commencement of the examination. The matters that the candidates must follow are mentioned in Note 1 below.
Examination Instructions and Guidelines:
1) Even if there is an unexpected holiday on the day of the examination, the examination as per the scheduled program will not be postponed without prior notice from the Commission.
2) Only black ink should be used in the examination.
3) Electronic devices, including bags, mobile phones, calculators, and smartwatches, are prohibited from being carried into the examination hall.
4) Candidates will not be allowed to participate in any examination center other than the designated one.
5) Candidates without an admit card will not be allowed to participate in the examination, so they must arrive at the examination building at least 1 hour before the commencement of the examination with their admit card.
6) Candidates must bring their citizenship or any identity card with a photograph issued by the Government of Nepal and their admit card.
Notice No. 314/081-82, Date: 2082/09/22