Diploma Level Exam Schedule for Special Technical Education / Regular / Partial First and Second Year - CTEVT

Exam 16 Apr 2021 7151

Diploma Level Exam Schedule for Special Technical Education  Regular  Partial First and Second Year - CTEVT

Diploma Level Exam Schedule for Special Technical Education / Regular / Partial First and Second Year - CTEVT

Council for Technical Education and Vocational Training (CTEVT), Examination Control Office, Sanothimi, Bhaktapur Urgent notice regarding Special Technical Education Scholarship (Earthquake Affected and Dalit, Muslim and Endangered Castes) Program and Examination Schedule for Regular and Partial Examination 2078 for Biomedical Equipment Engineering

Special Technical Education Scholarship Program (Earthquake Affected and Dalit, Muslim and Endangered Castes) run by the Council of Technical Education and Vocational Training (CTEVT), Examination Control Office, Sanothimi, Bhaktapur in its affiliates, partners, community schools, and private educational institutions; As per the notice regarding filling up the examination application form published on 2077-12-09; Under the semester examination system, regular and partial examinations of Diploma Level Automobile, Entrepreneurship Development, Civil, Electrical, Geometrics, Hotel Management, and Food and Dairy Technology programs will be conducted from 26th Baishakh, 2078 BS. (According to the new/old syllabus) and the conduct of the examination as mentioned in the details of the second semester of the Biomedical Equipment Engineering program; This notice has been published for the information of all concerned.


1) No further arrangements will be made for the candidates who are absent from the examination and do not appear for any reason as per the above schedule.

2) As the Engineering Drawing examination will be conducted in the respective institutions, it is informed that the necessary arrangements should be made by the institution itself.

3) As the experimental examination will be conducted in the concerned institutions after the completion of the theoretical examination, the concerned educational institution shall prepare the examination schedule of the said experimental examination and conduct it with the approval of the concerned provincial office.

4) Log Book / Psychometric chart can be taken to the examination hall only with the permission of the inspector.

5) The examination will not be postponed even if there is an unexpected leave without the prior notice of the council.

6) Examination should be given only from the specified examination center. Examination centers cannot be changed.

7) If you miss or miss the exam, you should contact the Examination Control Office within 7 days from the date of publication of the notice.

This exam schedule can also be viewed at www.ctevtexam.org.np.

(Information published date: 2078-01-03)
