CTEVT Written Exam Center Notification 2081
The Council for Technical Education and Vocational Training (CTEVT) has published the examination centers for competitive written exams for open and inclusive positions, as per the previously issued advertisement. Below are the details:
Examination Details:
Published By: Council for Technical Education and Vocational Training (CTEVT)
Advertisement Published Date: 2081/03/28
Exam Schedule Published Date: 2081/07/25
Exam Centers Published Date: 2082/08/10
First Exam Starting Date: 2081/08/17
Examination Centers: Various locations in Kathmandu Valley
Positions, Services, and Levels:
Health Instructor (General) - Officer Level, Third
Computer Assistant Instructor - Assistant Level, First
Automobile Assistant Instructor - Assistant Level, First
Medical Lab Instructor - Officer Level, Third
Instructor (Biology) - Officer Level, Third
Electrical Training Assistant - Assistant Level, Second
Mechanical Training Assistant - Assistant Level, Second
Agriculture Training Assistant - Assistant Level, Second
Cook Training Assistant - Assistant Level, Second
Administrative Assistant - Assistant Level, First
Accountant - Assistant Level, First
Instructor (Mathematics) - Officer Level, Third
Instructor (Nepali) - Officer Level, Third
Instructor (Chemistry) - Officer Level, Third
Technical Officer - Officer Level, Third
Electrical Instructor - Officer Level, Third
Office Assistant - Assistant Level, Second
Assistant Accountant - Assistant Level, Second
Trainer - Officer Level, Third
Branch Officer - Officer Level, Third
Accounts Officer - Officer Level, Third
Secretarial Instructor - Officer Level, Third
Agriculture Instructor (Animal Science) - Officer Level, Third
Automobile Instructor - Officer Level, Third
Construction Instructor - Officer Level, Third
Sanitary/Plumbing Instructor - Officer Level, Third
Technical Officer (IT) - Officer Level, Third
Mechanical Instructor - Officer Level, Third
Electronics Instructor - Officer Level, Third
Health Training Assistant (General) - Assistant Level, Second
Agriculture Assistant Instructor (Crop Science) - Assistant Level, First
Construction Maintenance Training Assistant - Assistant Level, Second
Instructor (Crop Science) - Officer Level, Third
Restaurant and Lodge Instructor - Officer Level, Third
Health Training Assistant (Nursing) - Assistant Level, Second
Construction Assistant Instructor - Assistant Level, First
Sanitary/Plumbing Assistant Instructor - Assistant Level, First
Travel and Trekking Instructor - Officer Level, Third
Health Instructor (Nursing) - Officer Level, Third
Mechanical Assistant Instructor - Assistant Level, First
Electrical Assistant Instructor - Assistant Level, First
Cooking and Baking Instructor - Officer Level, Third
Senior Instructor - Officer Level, Second
Key Instructions for Candidates:
Use only black ink dot pens for answer sheets.
Bring your admit card to the exam hall; entry is prohibited without it. Arrive at least one hour before the exam begins.
Mobile phones are strictly prohibited in the examination hall.
Exams will not be postponed due to unexpected holidays unless prior notice is provided.
For objective multiple-choice questions, a 20% mark will be deducted for incorrect answers.
Only answer multiple-choice questions in capital letters (A, B, C, D).
Carry your admit card and an official photo ID (citizenship or government-issued ID).
Candidates requiring assistance as per Rule 68 of the Public Service Commission Regulations, 2079, must submit a request to the examination office 10 days before the exam date.