CTEVT Published Case Presentations, Computer Skill Tests, Practical Exam, Interview Date

Exam 02 Feb 2023 1715

CTEVT Building

Council for Technical Education and Vocational Training (CTEVT), Recruitment Committee, Sanothimi, Bhaktapur Important information related to internal competition, open and inclusive competitive examination, case presentation of candidates, computer proficiency skill test, practical exercises, and interview.

According to the notice published in Gorkha Patra Daily dated 24-10-2076 of the Technical Education and Vocational Training Council, Recruitment and Promotion Committee; Among the candidates participating in the open and internal competitive written examination conducted by the Public Service Commission in Kathmandu on the following dates to fill the vacant posts of advertisements as per the list of CTEVT central office and offices under the Council; According to the notification of Public Service Commission, the following candidates have passed and been selected for the interview in alphabetical order. This notice is published for the information of all concerned.

Also, as per the decision of the Vacancy Committee of this Council, the case presentation of the candidates selected for the interview, computer proficiency skill test, and practical practice interview program will be conducted on the date of this notification.

The successful candidates must submit the admit card, citizenship (CTEVT), and full certificates of educational qualifications submitted in the following date and time at the Central Office of Technical Education and Vocational Training Council, Sanothimi, Bhaktapur and the successful candidates in the inclusive group must bring with them the full opening documents belonging to that group. This notification has been published for the information of all concerned to appear one hour before the start time of the interview.

Also, even if the day of the interview falls on a public holiday, the interview program will continue as usual. This Information Council Office Website: Information is also published on www.ctevt.org.np.

(First published date: 2079-10-19)
