CTEVT Pre-Diploma Level and Industrial Trainees Registration Form Fill Up Notice

Exam 13 Dec 2022 1973

CTEVT Building

CTEVT Pre-Diploma Level and Industrial Trainees Registration Form Fill-Up Notice: Council of Technical Education and Vocational Training (CTEVT), Control of Examination Office Sanothimi, Bhaktapur Very important information regarding filling out the registration form for regular and industrial trainees and pre-diploma level

CTEVT's affiliated, partnership, government/community schools, and private educational institutions that have received approval to run programs at the pre-diploma level academic session 2079/80 are included in the admission process of all regular program students admitted under the registration form details. This notification has been published for the information of all concerned to submit the registration form to the respective state offices.

This notification also informs all concerned that if the registration form is not submitted within the specified time, registration will not be possible later.

Also, under the Pre-Diploma level Apprenticeship (Industrial Trainee) 24-month program for the following programs Civil Engineering (Building Construction), Mechanical Engineering, Automobile Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Information Technology, Hotel Management, Electrical, ECDF for the academic session 2079/80 It is also informed to submit the registration form of the students who have been included and enrolled on the mentioned date.

Councils, state offices and educational institutions must complete the entire process related to classified (free) scholarship and admission and re-admission, cut-off, admission of candidates from the passed list within the date of 2079-09-11.

Also, in case of re-entry exam, entry should be done in TMS online within 2079-09-07. After that, there will be no admission process and TMS online will be closed for the entrance exam.
(Notification published date: 2079-08-27)

CTEVT CTEVT Exam Pre-Diploma Level