CTEVT PCL, Diploma, Pre-Diploma Classified Scholarship Entrance Exam Center 2081

Exam 23 Jul 2024 6609

CTEVT Building

CTEVT PCL, Diploma, Pre-Diploma Classified Scholarship Entrance Exam Center 2081

Council for Technical Education and Vocational Training (CTEVT), Examination Control Office, Sanothimi, Bhaktapur Notice of the establishment of examination centers for Diploma/Certificate and Pre-Diploma level classified (free) scholarship program entrance exams.

As per the Council for Technical Education and Vocational Training (CTEVT), Examination Control Office, Sanothimi, Bhaktapur, applications were invited for the entrance exams for the Diploma/Certificate and Pre-Diploma level classified (free) scholarship program, published on 2081/03/15. The entrance exam centers have been established as per the decision dated 2081/04/07, based on the recommendation from the concerned councils and provincial offices for those candidates who have duly filled the online application form and received the admit card.

Detailed information regarding the establishment of examination centers can be viewed at www.ctevtexam.org.np.

Free Scholarship (Classified) Entrance Examination Date and Time:

  • For Diploma and PCL Level: 2081/04/12, 8:00 AM
  • For Pre-Diploma Level: 2081/04/12, 1:00 PM

Instructions for Examination Participants

  • Candidates must carry their admit card to the examination hall. Candidates without an admit card will not be allowed to enter the examination.
  • Candidates must use a black gel pen during the examination.
  • Candidates must write the set code on the answer sheet as per the instructions. Failure to do so will result in the answer sheet not being evaluated.
  • Do not fold, tear, or damage the answer sheet. It is requested not to write anything extra on the answer sheet.
  • Mobile phones, smartwatches, and other electronic devices are not allowed inside the examination hall.


(Notification published date: 2081/04/08)

Entrance Exam CTEVT CTEVT Exam Exam Center