CTEVT Diploma Level Regular and Partial Examination Schedule 2078

Exam 13 Sep 2021 7760

CTEVT Building

CTEVT Diploma Level Regular and Partial Examination Schedule 2078: Council for Technical Education and Vocational Training (CTEVT), Examination Control Office, Sanothimi, Bhaktapur Very important notice regarding the examination schedule of regular/partial examination of Diploma level semester examination system

According to the information published by the Council of Technical Education and Vocational Training (CTEVT), Examination Control Office on 2078-04-12. Refrigerator & AC, Mechanical, Electrical, Electrical & Electronics, Automobile, Electronics, Geometrics, Computer, Hydropower, Food & Dairy Technology, Information Technology, Hotel Management, Social Work Program This information has been published for the information of all concerned regarding the conduct of the educational institution as per the examination schedule as mentioned in the details following the physical distance and health criteria prescribed by the Government of Nepal.

Exam time: 8:00 a.m.

(Please zoom in the image to see clear text)


1) No further provision will be made for the candidates who are absent from the examination as per the above schedule and leave the examination for any reason.

2) As the Engineering Drawing examination will be conducted in the respective institutions, the necessary arrangements will be made by the institution itself.

3) As the experimental examination will be conducted in the concerned institutions after the completion of the theoretical examination, the concerned educational institution shall prepare the examination schedule of the said experimental examination and conduct it with the approval of the concerned provincial office.

4) Logbook / Psychometric chart can be taken to the examination hall only with the permission of the inspector.

5) The examination will not be postponed even if there is an unexpected leave without the prior notice of the council.

6) The examination should be given only from the examination center of the concerned educational institution. The examination center cannot be changed.

7) If you miss or miss the exam, you should contact the Examination Control Office within 7 days from the date of publication of the notice.

8) The health-related standards prescribed by the Government of Nepal shall be fully complied with in the examination center.

9) To conduct the examination by fully complying with the public health standards related to COVID-19 prescribed by the Government of Nepal.

10) To conduct the examination in coordination with DCMC.

11) To keep the distance of at least 2 meters in the examination center to plan the seats to keep the examinees in the shape of Z.

12) To reduce the possible crowd in the line by admitting the examinees at least one hour before the examination time in the examination center.

13) For the convenience of CaseInvestigation and Contact Tracing (CICT), each candidate should be asked to fill-up the form before the start of the first day's examination and make the relevant form available to the concerned DCMC.

14) In the case of COVID-19 infected candidates, other candidates will be admitted only 30 minutes after the commencement of the examination and other candidates will be excluded from the examination 30 minutes after the completion of the examination. To make arrangements to collect the materials used by the examinees with utmost care in coordination with the concerned health office.

15) It would be appropriate to coordinate with the concerned DCMC for the vaccination of the principals, teachers, staff, and students involved in the examination operation as much as possible. The exam schedule can also be viewed at www.ctevtexam.org.np

Published: 2078-05-28

CTEVT CTEVT Exam Exam Routine